What software have you made to improve your workflow or rice? - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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Long time nixers
People probably already know this but I wrote mpvc a while back. It's served me pretty well over the years, very usable for all sorts of media playback. A couple of things I'd like to do is to patch fff with custom commands so I can run mpvc more easily from within fff, and eventually a full C rewrite would be great too.

A couple of things I did recently was to patch dmenu and lemonbar with proper border support, and I've written a wmutils script under to find the root window, and when it does execute the given command. Like CWM's menu popups, but more customisable with dmenu. Right now I have just my program launcher and a window menu finder, but could be used for other menus too. Again I'd like to write under in C at some point.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What software have you made to improve your workflow or rice? - by Wildefyr - 28-08-2019, 03:28 PM