What software have you made to improve your workflow or rice? - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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Long time nixers
The software I made that I always use in my workflow is xprompt, a dmenu replacement.

I have a script that handles the xprompt output that I use in my workflow:
Rather than open a terminal to do anything, I open xprompt with Alt+Space and type the command I want prefixed with a ! (the ! will send the command to a shell).
Other commands interpreted by my xprompt script are:

mus play song_name

To play a song.

man command_name

To open a man page in zathura.

There are some small scripts I wrote that I use quite often: trash, an XDG-compliant trash bin manager; and unpack, which is just a wrapper around tar/gz/unzip/unrar so I do not have to understand their syntax.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What software have you made to improve your workflow or rice? - by seninha - 23-02-2021, 06:24 PM