What does your relatives think of you, and your *nix hobby? - Psychology, Philosophy, and Licenses

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Long time nixers
Honestly, it became irrelevant. The times were anybody in my family used Windows are over. Now some only use their tablet, others only their smartphone, some use Apple, some Android, some Windows. They now all know first hand that there are multiple OSes/platforms and me using Linux is nothing special anymore. They have all experienced situations like "oh, $application doesn't work on my device, too bad, not going to use it". So, when I say, "this printer doesn't work on Linux", they just accept it.

So, yeah. There's so much diversity these days, it really doesn't matter anymore. At least in my little bubble of reality.

(Of course, this is also due to the fact that soooooooooooo many native applications just turned into web sites ...)

But don't get me started on "why don't you use whatsapp?".

Messages In This Thread
RE: What does your relatives think of you, and your *nix hobby? - by movq - 08-09-2020, 12:46 PM