I'm buying a server rack, which system should I use to host? - Off topic

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Long time nixers
Everyone says here 'FreeBSD' but what about 'OpenBSD' if you're 'security mad' like i am lol...

Plus openbsd got an award some years back for being the 'most secured operating system' 'freeBSD wasn't even mentioned 0.o and Solaris was the last in the charts Linux was 2 but number 1... you guessed it 'OpenBSD'

But 'FreeBSD' is the oldest and the 'leader so to speak' out of all the BSD Distributions.


If you want to make it as simple why don't you try n have a go at 'XAMPP'

it's all in one packages makes it hella easy for linux webservers etc and solaris (not sure if there is a bsd version tho.



Is there any software like Cpanel/WHM 'but free' ???

Messages In This Thread
RE: I'm buying a server rack, which system should I use to host? - by Lith - 24-12-2012, 12:48 PM