Apple in general - Android & Iphone

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Long time nixers
I'm thinking that they're just focusing on broadening their market. People like the iOS interface. No, in fact, they love it.

It's something they're going to keep for as long as we're still using physical touch interfaces.

They figure, 'if it's not broke then don't fix it". And really, what is there to fix or improve on?

Typical consumers hate learning how to use new things, and the iOS interface is intuitive enough for most users to view it as something that 'just works'.

If they do change anything, it will be in polish and perhaps voice commands via Siri.

The only think I think they need to tap into, and probably are already working on, is 'hybrid laptop/tablets'.

It's easy for anyone to see the potential of such devices. Some company just needs to come along and make the transformation function stupid easy AND as powerful (Microsoft you filthy devil, you're just like Apple now! DOUBLE the evil!!!(Look @ the price of the Surface)) as most laptops on the market for about the same price.
"Willful ignorance is a crime"

Messages In This Thread
Apple in general - by josh - 23-01-2013, 11:18 AM
RE: Apple in general - by venam - 23-01-2013, 12:13 PM
RE: Apple in general - by Dritz - 24-01-2013, 01:31 AM
RE: Apple in general - by venam - 24-01-2013, 05:03 AM
RE: Apple in general - by marcusant - 24-01-2013, 12:40 PM
RE: Apple in general - by crshd - 04-03-2013, 02:55 PM
RE: Apple in general - by crshd - 04-03-2013, 09:46 PM
RE: Apple in general - by venam - 05-03-2013, 04:11 AM
RE: Apple in general - by crshd - 05-03-2013, 08:47 PM
RE: Apple in general - by Derby - 05-03-2013, 09:09 PM
RE: Apple in general - by crshd - 09-03-2013, 11:12 PM
RE: Apple in general - by Derby - 10-03-2013, 04:13 PM
RE: Apple in general - by jobss - 10-09-2013, 11:55 AM
RE: Apple in general - by jobss - 10-09-2013, 06:45 PM
RE: Apple in general - by hades - 10-09-2013, 07:25 PM