The new promise I made to myself - Psychology, Philosophy, and Licenses
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This thread is about me whining about spams I receive. I recently started to receive some spams on my custom emails so I got mad and added them to the junk folder. Then d9u/zygotb reminded that I shouldn't post my email directly in clear text on the internet. He proposed that I should obfuscate the email in a way similar to this: patrick [at] unixhub [dot] net Or any other way that is still understandable by the reader. This is a good way to diminish the spams but it wasn't the end of the road for me. I took the decision of replying to all of my spams. I reply in a way that makes the *stupid* guy who sent it, and that is waiting for the one single person that will reply to his """Sir, I'm offering you one bazillion $""", feel awfully bad and down. Most of the spams originate from Pakistan/India as of today: So, this is it, enjoy your spams. Post here what you think of this new way of fighting the spams. *Philosophically*, will it make any impact, On me, On the spammer? EDIT: This really diminished the spams I receive. |