HLWM with B.A.R - GNU/Linux

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Long time nixers
I really need to update this, and stick those icons in an array.
[Image: mg3nm7.gif]
We live as we dream, alone.

Messages In This Thread
HLWM with B.A.R - by Evolution - 02-11-2013, 10:22 PM
RE: HLWM with B.A.R - by jobss - 03-11-2013, 10:49 AM
RE: HLWM with B.A.R - by Evolution - 24-12-2013, 01:26 AM
RE: HLWM with B.A.R - by crshd - 24-12-2013, 05:30 AM
RE: HLWM with B.A.R - by Evolution - 29-12-2013, 04:06 AM