The sexism that reigns over Github - Off topic

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Long time nixers
Today is a good day to stop all of your further support of the known anti-technical and misandric "community" named Github.

They planned to have one of their "conferences" and tried to perform a blind review of the submissions to avoid gender bias and only allow the best papers by anyone. [1] After all submissions were reviewed, they found out that all of the best papers were submitted by men, so they finally decided to postpone the conference so more women could be actively involved.

Github is not about quality anymore. There is no excuse to further support their misandry by actively contributing new projects unless you are a woman.
I recommend to move your accounts and projects to one of the non-sexist alternatives like Bitbucket or to your own servers.


[1] reddit

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers
Yawn.bullshit is here
Long time nixers
i wish i could get as fucked up as this guy
Long time nixers
I wish people would actually debate the topic instead of personally attacking me for reporting what happens on other platforms, but that's life, I guess.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers
(07-06-2017, 08:12 PM)jkl Wrote: I wish people would actually debate the topic instead of personally attacking me for reporting what happens on other platforms, but that's life, I guess.

Ending your post with "you are welcome" doesn't exactly set the tone for discussion...

Maybe Github is standing up for females because they're tired of idiots like you with no social intelligence.
Long time nixers
I'm not sure if calling other nixers members "idiots with no social intelligence" improves the overall tone here. I miss the context on how the gender of a person relates to being an idiot as well.
But as that seems to be everything that prevents you from not insulting community members instead of discussing the topic, I removed the end of my post.

Could we now talk about the incident instead?

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers
(07-06-2017, 09:08 PM)jkl Wrote: I removed the end of my post.

Could we now talk about the incident instead?

Yes, thanks. Now, onto your post...

It's fucking hilarious that they actually postponed the conference because the bilnd review process selected all male speakers. That says a lot about the current state of "gender equality" (hint: it's not equal at all).

What to do about this?

Simple. Just say you identify as female on job applications. Gender is fluid right?
Long time nixers
I'll keep using Github.

It's a nice piece of software (probably because it was developed by men) and I don't think me-not-using-it would change anything. They're a fucking billion dollar company.
Take population with a massive bias in it (the gender gap in CS/CE/C*) and sample for something that's fairly distributed among genders (the nebulous "talent"), and you'll get a biased result. That's basic statistics.

The goal of the blind review was to decrease the effect of that bias, and (probably) to encourage more women to apply knowing that they wouldn't be rejected on a name-only basis. That failed (probably for the reason above), but the goal still hasn't changed.

I personally think that's a laudable goal, but there's plenty of room for discussion there. I just wanted to point out that it's not hypocritical or contradictory for GitHub to behave the way they have, as the goal hasn't changed.
Much ado about nothing, but ok.

Does the reddit also mention how many submissions were by women? I wouldn't be surprised if guys were hugely overrepresented on coding platforms. I would naively think that code as such is not gendered but if people (male or female) are facing difficulties due to some social aspect it seems more logical to just invite some people to speak on that, perhaps in a special session.

I don't see how postponing an event would benefit anyone. I also don't see how it makes github misandric etc. etc.
This has derailed badly.
I'm closing this thread, flaming is not something we allow.