2bwm / alt wm on OSX? - OS X
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Can someone post/link a guide for installing 2bwm or any alternative (customisable) window manager on OSX?
Or at least point me into the right direction... I've seen http://saveosx.org/ but surely the wm's on there don't work out of the box, r-r-right? |
I'd actually like to know more about this as well, seeing as I may have to buy an MBP in the near future...
I'm mainly looking at yBeatie/MacBeastie/whateverhisnickisonthissite, he promised a tutorial once on reddit but never delivered.
Ask yrmt, he's a osx god.
I'm running bspwm on OS X. This is some advice:
Install XQuartz (http://xquartz.macosforge.org/landing/) I recommend installing pkgin from saveosx.org (http://saveosx.org/pkgin-howto/). It makes it easy to install many wm's. Full list here: http://pkgsrc.saveosx.org/Darwin/2013Q3/x86_64/wm/ Alternatively you could install one from source, though you may need to edit the makefile for it build properly. Then you need to setup the ~/.xinitrc. This works the same as it does on linux. You can use /Applications/Utilities/Console.app to find out why XQuartz won't start. You can find my xinitrc on github at: https://github.com/stayradiated/dotfiles...WM/xinitrc |
Pretty much what stayrad said. You might want to get 2bwm from source to configure it the way you like.
How do you configure 2bwm?
It doesn't seem to load ~/2bwm.conf by default. |
It's configured at compilation time through its config.h. So edit it, and recompile 2bwm