[Bash] Hopelessly Overengineered Wallpaper Randomizer - Programming On Unix
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============ After I downloaded all of Simple Desktop's wallpapers, I needed something to switch them. I wanted to have a random slideshow, but with the ability to stop it at any given point, so a simple _while true; do feh; sleep; done_ loop just doesn't cut it. So I whipped up a little script, which I can call with a cronjob. And I can use it to stop the slideshow. And restart it. _(Note: the script doesn't actually do any slideshow. It needs to be called periodically)_ **TL;DR:** Set random wallpaper. Start/stop slideshow. ## Usage Options: -d Set wallpaper directory. Default: ~/usr/image/simpledesktops -l Lock rotation -u Unlock rotation -h Display this help ## Dependencies - feh ## Download [The Script](https://paste.xinu.at/UKJ/bash) -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCA/IT d-(---)@ s+: a-- C+++(++++)$ UBL*+++ P+++>++++ L++ E W+++$ !N !o K !w !O M+>++ !V PS+++ PE !Y PGP+ !t-- !5 !X R@ tv- b+ DI D+ G e h r++ y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ |
Thanks, it's gretty good.
Nice work! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks. I've been looking for something like that recently.