CRUX 2.7.1 Video Install Guide. - GNU/Linux

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Grey Hair Nixers
# [Here's the video](

## Basic crux install. For advanced users.
Oh, that's pretty sweet. Thanks for the vid!
Grey Hair Nixers
(03-08-2012, 05:36 PM)shix Wrote: Nice tutorial Beastie. definitely makes me want to try it again.

By the way, when using vim.. Instead of pressing i then right arrow, just press 'a', or 'A'.

I don't why, I just forgot everything about VI when doing the video :s Stress is stupid.
Long time nixers
Nice tutorial Beastie! Maybe I should give Crux a try.
Great guide, when I'm going to install a new distro it'll probably be Crux, so the video will come in handy.
Grey Hair Nixers
(06-08-2012, 03:44 PM)Shiru Wrote: Great guide, when I'm going to install a new distro it'll probably be Crux, so the video will come in handy.

Thanks and remember to add more drivers or you'll get a nice kernel panic :)