Getting terminal color scheme from an image. - Desktop Customization & Workflow
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Alright, so I've been trying to use the follow script to generate a color scheme from my current background, but I'm having some trouble.
If I CD in the scripts directory, and run Code: ./wp add /home/jake/Pictures/wallpapers/UfCjC8q.jpg The following comes up Code: :: Generating ./home/jake/Pictures/wallpapers/UfCjC8q.jpg.colors and ./home/jake/Pictures/wallpapers/UfCjC8q.jpg.Xres in /home/jake/Pictures/wallpapers /home/jake/Pictures/wallpapers/UfCjC8q.jpg :: is not a recognised directive Then nothing else happens, anyone have any ideas? |
Does the picture exist?
Try to change line 19: "while test $# -gt 0; do" to "while test $# -gt 1; do" and you should not get that error anymore. The script should work as expected i guess, so regardless of the error message it should generate a colorscheme for you.
If you are interested in trying another program you should give gpick a try.
Just quoting the features: Quote: Magnification and mouse pointer control with keyboard. |
+1 for gpick, very useful when using other tools alongside it.