Gopher anyone? - Old school stuff
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Installed a gopher server (pygopherd) on my site last week.
In addition to GOPHER, it offers HTML output for those browsers that don't have native or plugin support for gopher. Any of you nostalgia types surf the net using gopher, veronica2, etc... |
Nice tutorials, I'd use another font for the big titles on your site though.
Wow Thanks,
I need to make some site changes after a few more videos. |
We definitely need a UnixHub gopher :)
Awesome, the world need more gophers!
Next is an Archie ftp search as soon as I find my punch cards :-) |
videocast: Do you know how to get gopher support in Firefox ≥ 22? I searched for an add-on but no find.
I use OverbiteFF add-on and my version (IceWeasel) is 23.0.1 |
The Wikipedia article just blew my mind. Will definitely start using gopher.
The world is quaking from our Linux Thoughts!
There is also a webproxy for accessing gophersites.
Dictated but not red.
I don't think we need a client that can deal with gopher as such, you can simply use an external utility that can deal with SSL and pipe it's unencrypted output into the client.
I've also set up my own gopher hole at gopher:// with standard port 70 and put a few things like my own gopher client (that is rather unixy and would lend itself well to pipe chains with external utils handling SSL) and some various information about the POSIX Sh. |
Why would you need SSL with gopher? You're not supposed to send any personnal data, so there is nothing to encrypt. I mean, why would you encrypt the connection used to download a text file that can be seen by everybody? If you want to share it with a single person, you can encrypt the file itself, or send it by email.
But maybe I don't get you point right buddy. |
The SSL helps prevent a MITM attack where someone changes the data on its way to you.
(24-04-2015, 01:21 PM)xero Wrote:No, as far as I know sslstrip only works if the connection goes from non-secure to secure. If the connection is secure from the start sslstrip won't be able to decipher anything.(24-04-2015, 01:20 AM)ThePlantMan Wrote: The SSL helps prevent a MITM attack where someone changes the data on its way to you. |
There might be some hope with stunnel. I didn't try it myself, but it looks like the perfect tool for the job
Gopher is great! I'd like to set up my own gopher hole.
I recently hacked gtk interface around [cgo]( While cgo is a really solid client but I didn't like that you had to scroll up when looking at any page longer than your terminal. * screenshot: * source: Works on linux and bsd. |
(17-08-2015, 07:38 AM)z3bra Wrote: There might be some hope with stunnel. I didn't try it myself, but it looks like the perfect tool for the job I found tsocks, which let's you use socks5 on any program. You just have to configure it in /etc/tsocks.conf and tsocks <program> and it'll send all the traffic through the socks5. That could be a secure way of using gopher. |
Quote:1.8 beta 5 is out! - 2002-10-23 21:02 I'm all for not looking at "latest commit" or things like that, but a cryptography software whose BETA version came out when I was still learning how to read doesn't look very appealing. |
Anybody else having problems loading for Videocast's gopher site?
Reviving this long forgotten thread !
I recently started looking at gopher again, and am looking into making gopher a first class citizen ! First, my hole: (web proxy). There is not much content yet, mostly old notes, READMEs for my projects and a navigable directory for my git-hosted projects (through stagit. For browsing gopher, I recommend sacc, and geomyidae as a server. It will soon support encrypted gopher:// access (sacc too hopefully!). To start your gopher journey, I recommend the following holes: gopherproject bitreich Circumlunar Space |
I find sacc an interesting addition to the collection of Gopher clients, thank you. :)
But their regular website is... well, it just is. :-)) -- <mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen |
I recently came across phetch and phd which is kind of nice for those of us who have rust.
![]() So, how to get a gopherhole? "Ask the nice people at for a gopherhole or setup your own gopher server. Just ask the community for how to.".. Any how-to's ? OT but site is hilarious.. click "i prefer cookies" lol
“Maybe you have some bird ideas... Maybe that's the best you can do.” - Terry A. Davis (R.I.P Terry & Percival) |
Setting up a hole is pretty easy, but require a node running connected to the internet.
I personally use geomyidae to serve the content. By default, it serve the content in /var/gopher, so everything you put inside it is served as-is. As for communities hosting gopher holes, there is indeed the sdf, but most tilde communities propose gopher web hosting. You can start here. Maybe we could host a community gopher server here @nixers. Not sure who's interested or if it really is worth it. |
(07-09-2020, 04:39 AM)z3bra Wrote: You can start here Thanks! (07-09-2020, 04:39 AM)z3bra Wrote: Maybe we could host a community gopher server here @nixers. Not sure who's interested or if it really is worth it. I'd be interested :)
“Maybe you have some bird ideas... Maybe that's the best you can do.” - Terry A. Davis (R.I.P Terry & Percival) |
To be fair, I can do it (and would be interested to host it as well).
I wrote scribo(1) to publish to my gopher log via emails. I can totally setup a shared host for the nixers community, where everyone can publish via email too ! I would need a few administration things though: - A nixers subdomain ( maybe ?) - Control over the DNS zone of the above domain (or at least a bunch of CNAME and MX records) Otherwise, I can use any domain name I have at hand (or get a new one, if it's not too expensive). This way I can build a server that's able to receive emails to, and each mail sent to this address will publish a new post in the user's directory. I can optionally grant ssh/sftp/ftp access to the ~/public_gopher of users so they can post whatever content they want. How does that sound ? |
Wasn't a *nixers ~tilde on the cards at one point?
“Maybe you have some bird ideas... Maybe that's the best you can do.” - Terry A. Davis (R.I.P Terry & Percival) |
Well a "tilde" is only a single host, hosting content for multiple users. At some point we can rename "" to "".
That would only be a DNS zone rename. PS: I'll setup the host, and setup stuff with venam. Will update the thread when it's ready |
The alarm clock says "[01:59]". Time goes fast.
Setting up an inbound-only SMTP server is remarkably easy, especially on OpenBSD. What was more complex was to think about how this server would be used by its inhabitants, while being managable by a full staff of one person: me. I declare the very first nixers community gopher server ALIVE ! Browse it at gopher:// Anyone that wants an account can drop me a mail (contact at z3bra dot org) or PM me on the forums. I'll need your ssh public key, and I'll reuse your forum's nickname for the account name. I'll also need your email address, to configure your email to gopherlog address. In your HOME will sit a "public_gopher" symlink pointing to your very cool gopher hole. Any file dropped in it is instantly visible online. You'll also notice an "rlog" directory. Every mail sent to will create a file in this directory, and generate and index.gph file listing the entries with a (maybe) cool nixers header. I will need an email address from which you plan to phlog, to configure the restriction. I hope we'll see some cool content ! Oh and BTW, I suck at doing ASCII art. If you have ideas to decorate the gopher hole, send them to me. I'll be glad to replace the shitty stuff I created for the moment ! |