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Long time nixers
the fuck is up

so i got really drunk last night and installed 9front on my main desktop and yknow its a good system i mean its not bad yknow and its definitely a good improvement from the original plan 9 system but fro told me about this one system called harvey several months ago and i never really concerned myself too much with it i mean it was really cool and the idea of it was really cool but idk maybe it wasnt as cool then as it is now but the point is im DRUNK AGAIN and currently building the OS gonna make a disk image outta it and install that so i tell u what GUYS

lets give a talk about it yeah?

harvey os what is it why is it how is it.


its pretty cool yknow it can be built with gcc and clang instead of 8c or whatever your native plan 9 compiler would have been and it seems to have atleast some noticeable effort to make sure Go works which is cool since Go is dope as fuck and also it seems to be trying to add more modern technologies like idk UEFI i guess and native amd64 which is great cause who the fuck uses 32 bit processors anymore so its like 9front but probably gonna be better also john floren is working on it who is also a 9front dev and is somewhat known in the plan 9 world so what do you have to share ok cool
I hadn't heard of Harvey before, but it sounds really cool. It seems like it's under pretty active development, so I'm curious to hear how your experience is with building and running it. Will this be your main machine?
Long time nixers
(28-08-2016, 01:10 AM)citrus Wrote: I hadn't heard of Harvey before, but it sounds really cool. It seems like it's under pretty active development, so I'm curious to hear how your experience is with building and running it. Will this be your main machine?

ill try to make it my main, when im more (or fully) sober ill make a more detailed post explaining my build process and installation
Long time nixers
shits fucked, you can use it in qemu but getting it on metal seems to be beyond my skill. also the build process is slightly janky. if you want to use plan 9 on bare metal in 2016 just play it safe and user 9front.

me: 0

svedka: 1

edit: i may come back to this some other time soon, i'm curious to see if i can create an iso image from within a qemu virtual machine
Long time nixers
I am critical about Harvey. I mean, acid is not a perfect debugger, but the plan9 compiler suite is really neat. I think the development spent on Harvey would have a much better effect when applied on 9front, which is still being updated and plan9-ish enough for most people.