Hello world! - Community & Forums Related Discussions
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Hi, my name is Zerek and I've been using Macs since 2001. I've played around with Linux (mostly Arch and Debian) on PCs, too. I recently acquired a PowerMac G5 with the goal of running FreeBSD on it!
Welcome to UnixHub, Zerek!
~Seraphim R.P.
the artistnixer formerly known as vypr formerly known as sticky |
Enjoy your stay on UnixHub, zerek
SpongeboZZ; Bikini Bottom Mafia/
You're cock-sucker, bitch/ silence while godfathers speech/ yeah/ da plancton in muh blunt/ gangster squarepants witha gun/ Sponge iz the bozz in da buiz/ you're creating silly trash/ i'm creating hollywood shit/ |
Hello and welcome! Enjoy your stay and contribute when you can. :)
3llo, there mate.
Enjoy the experience of Unix and freedom from the NSA!!
The world is quaking from our Linux Thoughts!
Thank you all for the welcome! I'm still consider myself a casual user but I hope to learn a lot more. I heard about this place from reddit and it actually reminds me of unixpunx.org. I used to lurk that site back in the day. Anyone remember it?