Help a tired Linux user! - GNU/Linux

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Long time nixers

Recently I formatting my desktop and just installed Windows so I could game. Obviously, this is not going to work for me! It is time for me to install something on that empty partition I left!

Before formatting I had Arch linux on that partition. I like it, but things where broken and with their recent switch to systemd I am not sure I want to re-install Arch.

Generally, I am a huge Debian fan. However, with the only forward release being Squeeze and having to do a dist upgrade after installing to have access to newer packages seems uncalled for.

So, me being as fed up as I am with the distributions I generally use I am turning to you! Tell me what to install Unixhub!

I like having a complete DE, but love WM's too. I have used Subtle and DWM and have loved them but I have also loved using Gnome3. I guess what I am saying is I can go either way as far as the DE goes.

So here is my question to you.

What distribution should I install, and with what DE/WM?
Long time nixers
Install Slackware and Cinnamon :)
Haters gonna hate!
"TheHotBot" Aka NeverW8!

I can be seen on the IRC from time to time :)
Long time nixers
Just install Debian and upgrade to rolling until the newest stable release (coming in 2050!!!!) is out.
Long time nixers
(07-11-2012, 10:23 AM)TheHotBot Wrote: Install Slackware and Cinnamon :)
Haters gonna hate!

Maybe I will give slack a try. I have not played with it or cinnamon yet.
Long time nixers
If I'll to reinstall a desktop with GNU/Linux (for example to test the steam beta :D) I will go for a simple debian minimal from network with MCWM : >
I'm running Debian netinst with fvwm, you should try it out.
Long time nixers
Quote:Generally, I am a huge Debian fan. However, with the only forward release being Squeeze and having to do a dist upgrade after installing to have access to newer packages seems uncalled for.
I think jayro said this as well...
Anyway, FreeBSD since its a desktop.. Else go with Centos or some RedHat distro which will give you a bit newer packages than debian stable but also not break.
(07-11-2012, 09:21 AM)Jayro Wrote: Before formatting I had Arch linux on that partition. I like it, but things where broken and with their recent switch to systemd I am not sure I want to re-install Arch.

"Boy, That escalated quickly." :-)

Have you tried

For me it said gentoo || slackware.

I am using arch, never leaving it.
Long time nixers
(04-12-2012, 06:36 PM)eye Wrote:
(07-11-2012, 09:21 AM)Jayro Wrote: Before formatting I had Arch linux on that partition. I like it, but things where broken and with their recent switch to systemd I am not sure I want to re-install Arch.

"Boy, That escalated quickly." :-)

Have you tried

For me it said gentoo || slackware.

I am using arch, never leaving it.

That's a cool site that you've linked to.
It should be stickied on HF *nix section. :D

Like you, it suggested that I try Gentoo, or Arch.
But I'm liking FreeBSD too much to bail now.

Thanks for the share!
Someone doesn't appreciate my php generated image!
Long time nixers
Try Debian Sid. I am currently on the sqeeze release and far as i can tell updates are faster on sid than on wheezy.
Long time nixers
Sid is probably the unstable version if I remember it right.. So its ought to have much more faster updates than the testing version. But I think the unstable version is more like ArchLinux.. So it might break more often than squeeze or wheezy..