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After a long time of lurking it is time for me to say hello.

I spend most of my digital time working on the Qtile WM, for which I am a core dev. I also work on other little projects, most of which are permanently half-finished. I am also big into math rock and neuroscience (my day job).

What brought me and kept me here was the unique and creative things that many of you produce, and many of your projects inspire my own projects.

I look forward to becoming more involved in the community \o/
Hello mcol,
Glad that you finally joined the forums.
Welcome to nixers!
Long time nixers
Greetings mcol, and welcome.
fre d die
lovely to meet you mcol, used to be well into mathrock myself, what are some of your favourite bands?
And you.

I'd say up at the top would be Pretend. Who I've been listening to the past few days:
- And So I Watch You From Afar
- standards (new album out last week)
- Algernon Cadwallader
How about you fre d die?
Grey Hair Nixers
digorno to nixers, mcol
Thanks for the welcomes!

I searched online to see what this word means and all I found was frozen pizza.
Grey Hair Nixers
(04-09-2020, 10:16 AM)mcol Wrote: Thanks for the welcomes!

I searched online to see what this word means and all I found was frozen pizza.

this is the total meaning. celebrate frozen welcomes. celebrate digorno.

also super cool 2meetU, I've had my eye on qtile off-and-on since like 2014
fre d die
Quote:How about you fre d die?
Have not heard of any of them! if they count as mathrock, slint is one of my all time favourite bands, i also really dig don cabellero and also used to listen to a bit of Sajjanu
(04-09-2020, 08:57 AM)mcol Wrote: I am also big into math rock and neuroscience (my day job).

Wow, nice ! Welcome to nixers!
(04-09-2020, 10:19 AM)neeasade Wrote:
(04-09-2020, 10:16 AM)mcol Wrote: Thanks for the welcomes!

I searched online to see what this word means and all I found was frozen pizza.

this is the total meaning. celebrate frozen welcomes. celebrate digorno.

also super cool 2meetU, I've had my eye on qtile off-and-on since like 2014

digorno to you too ✌

Hi wolf, thanks!

(04-09-2020, 10:45 AM)fre d die Wrote:
Quote:How about you fre d die?
Have not heard of any of them! if they count as mathrock, slint is one of my all time favourite bands, i also really dig don cabellero and also used to listen to a bit of Sajjanu
yeah they're like the OG math guys for sure. i dont know sajjanu (yet!) but slint and don are awesome
Long time nixers
Finally someone to discuss music with!
Welcome here.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Welcome mcol. I've followed you on fosstodon for a while. I remember seeing you achieve some nice Motif window decorations in qtile which its very cool. Head on over to the screenshots thread and show us your current setup.
“Maybe you have some bird ideas... Maybe that's the best you can do.” - Terry A. Davis (R.I.P Terry & Percival)
Hey jkl, Ramiferous!

Will do :)
Welcome mcol, it's nice to see more "lurkers" give it a try and participate with the community.

I'm wondering what got you from neuroscience to Linux (if it happened in that order or are related at all)
Long time nixers
Hello mcol!
Welcome to nixers!
Hello acg and phillbush

I feel very welcomed! :)

Quote:I'm wondering what got you from neuroscience to Linux (if it happened in that order or are related at all)
I first realised how awesome computers are when I was using matlab for data analysis in a neuro lab as a research assistant. From there I quickly discovered programming languages that don't suck and linux and stuff. I have since crafted my experiments in a way that maximises my use of computers, so in my current research project I train mice in behavioural experiments controlled by raspberry pis using a python program, and all my data analysis is done on a beefy server in python. So it did happen in that order, but they aren't directly related :)