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So... where to start!

To get the boring stuff out of the way, I'm a 16 year old American unix-nub that has only been using GNU/Linux for a little over a year. First started off dual-booting with Ubuntu and Windows, then got rid of the Windows partition. Eventually I got disgusted with Ubuntu's package manager (mostly just some dependency issues.) That little fiasco has led me to Slackware.

Perhaps some more interesting things: I love me some keyboards, have three mechanical keyboards, and I'm looking to pick up some more when I get some money.
for the curious, they are:
1. Happy Hacking Keyboard
2. Steelseries 6gv2
3. Leopold FC200R (Browns, no numpad, no lettering).

Next thing!
Emacs vs Vim: Emacs. Though i've pimped it out to be more like vim. Mainly because I liked how vim worked, but Emacs lisp and all the customization possibilities is a pleasure to goof off with.
Otherwise, I'm a unicyclist, like playing Dwarf Fortress, like playing quake, used to play lots of StarCraft and Dota. Trying to learn German. Attempting to learn C and Python, not having the best of luck, but I'm still trudging along :)

I think that's about it. Obligatory desktop screeny:
[Image: taTlnMQ]
Galtath, you are now a member of a closed society of unix maniac.
You have no hope of escaping (alive)!
>Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
(29-04-2013, 01:40 PM)venam Wrote: Galtath, you are now a member of a closed society of unix maniac.
You have no hope of escaping (alive)!
>Nobody said computers were going to be polite.


You're repeating yourself here :)
(29-04-2013, 01:42 PM)Galtath Wrote: >unix

You're repeating yourself here :)
...And the brainwash has just started!
Grey Hair Nixers
Welcome! HHkb master race.
(29-04-2013, 03:46 PM)Beastie Wrote: Welcome! HHkb master race.

Right? It's definitely my favorite board out of what I have.