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Long time nixers
IRC Etiquette
As some of you may know, we have begun to incorporate ideologies in the way we act on IRC. The purpose of this thread is to document these things, so we can show new users the way we do things at Nixers. I feel like the high standards make this community much higher quality than any other in our particular niche. If you look at /r/unixporn, it's a perfect example of a community turned sour because of the negligence of the mods and constant degradation of elitist values. I do not want to see the same happen to Nixers.

General things you should consider when choosing your nick for #nixers.
  • short nicks are generally nicer on the eyes

General things to consider when writing messages in #nixers.
  • everything except I's should be lowercase
  • try and punctuate everything properly, your, you're, etc.
  • keep messages short and concise, don't separate it across 3 lines

General things to consider when pasting links in #nixers.
  • try and say NSFW or NSFL if your content is such (bosko)

Overall, these are in no way "rules" but rather a set of standards that we can fantasize about.
Grey Hair Nixers
I approve of these common courtesy principles
Long time nixers
I agree. I, however, think I should have been notified of the capitalisation rule.
This is a bit over the edge but I agree that we should have an irc etiquette.
Long time nixers
Lol, we're finally enforcing the 4-char principle. I also agree on the messages being all-lowercase and short. May I also add that we should be using short links? I mean, we have,d.ZGU


This is mostly common sense and also implied with the 3rd clause in "Messages", but still would be nice to be reminded again
Long time nixers
(16-06-2014, 03:42 PM)berk Wrote: Lol, we're finally enforcing the 4-char principle. I also agree on the messages being all-lowercase and short. May I also add that we should be using short links? I mean, we have,d.ZGU


This is mostly common sense and also implied with the 3rd clause in "Messages", but still would be nice to be reminded again

I agree, although it's not really been a problem before.
Grey Hair Nixers
I think we should be cooler with nicknames, let's say a short nick is common courtesy that's all.
Long time nixers
I like how you want short nicknames and perfect punctuation but no mention of the fact certain members are happy to berate others for the slightest ignorance on deep, complex topics in which they're trying to find help.

I don't mean to sound bitter, most people are a pleasure to talk to on IRC, but there has been a problem in the past and formal rules with enforceable consequences to combat such nastiness would be useful to keep the good guys from too much hassle.
Long time nixers
(17-06-2014, 05:34 AM)Derby Wrote: I like how you want short nicknames and perfect punctuation but no mention of the fact certain members are happy to berate others for the slightest ignorance on deep, complex topics in which they're trying to find help.

I don't mean to sound bitter, most people are a pleasure to talk to on IRC, but there has been a problem in the past and formal rules with enforceable consequences to combat such nastiness would be useful to keep the good guys from too much hassle.

I agree, sometimes the elitism gets the best of us. I'll look into making some formal rules to make it a bit more welcoming for people looking for help. Thanks for the input.
Long time nixers
(17-06-2014, 12:37 PM)jmbi Wrote: I agree, sometimes the elitism gets the best of us. I'll look into making some formal rules to make it a bit more welcoming for people looking for help. Thanks for the input.

Ahh so we went from shaming people to welcoming them with open arms, cool lol
Long time nixers
(19-06-2014, 03:55 PM)Lith Wrote:
(17-06-2014, 12:37 PM)jmbi Wrote: I agree, sometimes the elitism gets the best of us. I'll look into making some formal rules to make it a bit more welcoming for people looking for help. Thanks for the input.

Ahh so we went from shaming people to welcoming them with open arms, cool lol

Sure did, I don't want to scare people off from the ricing scene!