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Long time nixers
Hey, I am pranomostro.

Software: I got into programming around 3 years ago when my father gave me his old computer and that was also the time when I really used a computer the first time.
My first programs were the ones from C for dummies, and interestingly,
this is the path I have continued with. I switched to Ubuntu after 1 year and a half, and installed Arch Linux on my laptop around last christmas.
I admire the ideas of early unix, simplicity of design and implementation, correctness, speed and composability, which have been continued in projects like plan 9, and many more unnamed solid programs.
On the other hand, I promote free and also open-source software, even if it isn't small and beautiful.
At the moment I am programming small utilities, all less than 300 lines long, but I hope to be able to get to some more serious stuff.

Since I do a lot of experiments, I know a lot of things, but only few of them very well. In the past, I have done a lot of C programming, shell scripting (at the beginning in sh/bash, now more in rc), a little bit of lua, some C++ I regret now and a bit of miranda. I also know sed, awk, bc and make and a bunch of other standard utilities. I don't know much about functional programming, but when I am not writing anything terribly useful, I try to learn a bit of lisp and miranda. I nearly know nothing about network programming (yet) and very few about graphical user interfaces (which may or may not change in the future). There's a ton of other things I don't know anything about, but it would take too much time of listing it all here...

Personally, I am a pacifist, and also a vegetarian (this is the first and last time I am telling you that, don't worry). I am a very liberal person, and I would describe myself as somebody with a rather lefty political opinion.

My personal interests include music (I play piano, clarinet and barisaxophone and listen to jazz), teak-won-do, literature, art (especially modern art) and science. But I am not limited to that and want to learn as much as I can about nearly everything.

I try to be a friendly guy, some people like me, some don't.

And now, here come my opinions on all holy wars I can come up with at the moment:
vim or emacs: sam
tabs or spaces: tabs
mac or pc: hardware is irrelevant, the software of both is not my thing. I go with linux.
firefox or chrome: firefox/tor browser
C vs pascal: never used pascal
big endian or little endian: i don't care
faster hardware or faster software: faster software
my programming language or your programming language: well-take a guess!

So, I guess that's it. Hey everyone!

P.S: my name is bad esperanto for ancient master of names.
Long time nixers
A sam user...


Welcome to nixers!
Long time nixers
Nice to meet you!

Thanks for taking the time to lay everything out.

I was wondering, why the tabs in the tabs vs spaces holy war?
Also Im suprised you use linux, not bsd or plan9

I look forward to reading your posts!
Long time nixers
@Houseoftea: I am still stuck with linux, but I have got a raspberry pi lying on my desk and I am already using it for programming. So the transition is already on the way…

I guess you're more of a spaces person then, aren't you?
I think tabs are a lot easier to manage. They are an already existing character, your editor doesn't have to treat spaces specially because of this, and they exist, so why shouldn't I use them? But I am also curious: why do people promote spaces? I only know that there are debates about it, I haven't read one already.

@displayer14: yeah, I mostly want my editor to be simple and have no arbtitrary limits. And when using sam, I get a _very_ powerful command language as a plus.

Oh, I forgot: Excuse me for my bad english. I am not a native speaker, so if I make any mistakes, don't hesitate to tell me!
Welcome to nixers. I agree with you about the Spaces vs Tabs.

I have a raspberry pi too (Model B with 512MB RAM), i've tried to use it to do some programming but it's freaking slow (I've used arch + i3wm + vim), if I need to code something to run on the PI I just write it on my laptop and upload it with ssh.
Long time nixers
@strang3quark (good name, btw): I am wondering: what are you writing that it is slow on the raspberry pi?
Long time nixers
I use tabs myself but I didn't feel strongly either way
Just wondering if you had some good reasons

Thanks for the reply!
Long time nixers
@Houseoftea: Okay, cool. I just realised that your reply sounds like a poem when I read it out loud :o
(31-08-2015, 08:11 PM)pranomostro Wrote: @strang3quark (good name, btw): I am wondering: what are you writing that it is slow on the raspberry pi?

I'm developing an ncurses app to read rss feeds, it runs well on raspberry pi:
(31-08-2015, 07:16 PM)pranomostro Wrote: Personally, I am a pacifist, and also a vegetarian (this is the first and last time I am telling you that, don't worry). I am a very liberal person, and I would describe myself as somebody with a rather lefty political opinion.

Most, if not all, Unix users are leftist, libertarian, liberal, open minded persons.
Studies have shown that conservators get stuck when facing new ideas, they fall in a state of fear which mentally disable them. Moreover, when going back to their comfort zone they get an oxytocin rush. Therefore, it's very rare for those persons to go beyond the horizon and try Unix.

That might explain the good cohesion in our group.

I'm also vegetarian.
(31-08-2015, 07:16 PM)pranomostro Wrote: Hey, I am pranomostro.
P.S: my name is bad esperanto for ancient master of names.

[Image: BDBoJ7M.png]

Eh. Proskima sufiĉa literumi pro min. Bonvenon surŝipa, Pranomestro.
Long time nixers
Welcome to Nixers!
~Seraphim R.P.
the artistnixer formerly known as vypr formerly known as sticky
Long time nixers
welcome to nixers.

like venam, i also dont eat dead animals... not that that's very relevant here.

my holy wars answers:
Long time nixers
@rocx: oh, yeah, right, I got that wrong. egala, ĝi sonas bone. I wanted to learn it some time, but unfortunately didn't succeed too far. Still, I like it.
Long time nixers
(01-09-2015, 01:42 PM)rocx Wrote: [Image: BDBoJ7M.png]

Eh. Proskima sufiĉa pro min. Bonvenon surŝipa, Pranomestro.

Dude completely irrelevant, but I have never actually seen you post on the forums.
We are currently living history right here folks.