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Hello all,

I am lemons/lemons__/spinks/joe, and I am a recent (8 months-ish) *nix convert. I have spent some time hopping around a few distros and an unholy number of window managers and have, for the moment at least landed on Debian stable & DWM.

I decided to give *nix/linux a proper go after Windows shafted me with me with unstoppable buggy updates one too many times, and I finally snapped.

Since switching I've become near obsessed with the idea of understanding and controlling the software on my computer and have really enjoyed digging around this forum, /r/unixporn, and others, and I have to say, you guys can be hella inspiring!

I've been hesitant to post this; I don't have a strong computer science background and am often intimidated by the awesome level of knowledge in the community here. But that is silly of me, and as with *nix in general, the best way forward is often to get stuck in!

I look forward to sharing thoughts and ideas with you all!
Long time nixers
(17-06-2016, 02:36 PM)lemons Wrote: I've been hesitant to post this; I don't have a strong computer science background and am often intimidated by the awesome level of knowledge in the community here.

dont let us intimidate you. everyone has to start somewhere :D

Quote:welcome to nixers!
(17-06-2016, 02:36 PM)lemons Wrote: Since switching I've become near obsessed with the idea of understanding and controlling the software on my computer and have really enjoyed digging around this forum, /r/unixporn, and others, and I have to say, you guys can be hella inspiring!

I've been hesitant to post this; I don't have a strong computer science background and am often intimidated by the awesome level of knowledge in the community here. But that is silly of me, and as with *nix in general, the best way forward is often to get stuck in!
You don't have to be worried about anything, you've already got the mindset in place.

Welcome to the club.
Grey Hair Nixers
(17-06-2016, 04:17 PM)venam Wrote: Welcome to the club.

join the
(17-06-2016, 04:21 PM)neeasade Wrote:
(17-06-2016, 04:17 PM)venam Wrote: Welcome to the club.

join the

I posted a bspwm scrot just yesterday >_<

Jumped back to DWM today though.
Hello Lemons, welcome to the community!
Long time nixers
(17-06-2016, 02:36 PM)lemons Wrote: hella inspiring!

(17-06-2016, 02:36 PM)lemons Wrote: awesome level of knowledge in the community here

There are so many inspiration to take from (and share to) this place!

Welcome to a free land, where you do not need to login into a company service to setup your machine.
Long time nixers
When life gives you lemons, say hello!

I am surprised nobody made this joke yet.

Huh. It's never too late.

(17-06-2016, 02:36 PM)lemons Wrote: I've been hesitant to post this; I don't have a strong computer science background and am often intimidated by the awesome level of knowledge in the community here. But that is silly of me, and as with *nix in general, the best way forward is often to get stuck in!
With interest and time comes the most knowledge. And you seem really interested. Looking forward to discuss and share.
(17-06-2016, 02:36 PM)lemons Wrote: I've been hesitant to post this; I don't have a strong computer science background and am often intimidated by the awesome level of knowledge in the community here. But that is silly of me, and as with *nix in general, the best way forward is often to get stuck in!

Same here. I spent a very long time lurking, despite prior MS/Windows knowledge. People can be welcoming though. And the *nix world is so comforting comparatively.