Keeping a system lean - GNU/Linux

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Long time nixers
Hey all,

When you are doing modifications and dev work, do you keep your systems lean in terms of packages? Say you wanted to build a package from source, do you install its dependencies for this build, or was it already installed from a previous build? Do you have another machine that you do the builds on and then transfer the binaries across?

I currently have a persistent docker container that I use that is base ubuntu 16.04 for just this reason. It bind-mounts my projects folder and I do all my compiling/building of sources from here, but do all the coding from my main machine. As my config files are all on the host. This way when I do my updates, it's not clogged up with dev libraries and tools and things.

Anyone else have anything similar they do or any tips?
Long time nixers
Refrain from using unnecessarily bloated operating systems like GNU/Linux. Helps a lot.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers
suggested alternative?

windows, of course.
Long time nixers
Still less bloated than GNU/Linux. Other than that, there are more than just two systems available.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
(22-02-2017, 08:49 PM)robotchaos Wrote: suggested alternative?

Any of the mainstream BSD operating systems would do better. FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, almost literally anything BSD. It's more... unified in a way than a cobbled-together mess of softwares like 99% of GNU/Linux distributions.
Grey Hair Nixers
I fail to see how using a different operating system will improve the way you handle "one-time" dependencies. You're not providing any real answer here.

The easiest way I found to do this is to use a chroot build, and install the deps in this chroot prior to building. This way I can make sure I include all the dependencies for my builds (I don't do that way often though)
(22-02-2017, 08:37 PM)robotchaos Wrote: Anyone else have anything similar they do or any tips?
Sometimes putting the questions into other words offer some insights.
So if I understood correctly you are doing this:

* Downloading the source of a program
* Using the package manager to install the dependencies
* Building and installing the program
* Remove the uneeded dependencies (that's the step you want help with)

If there was a way to tell your package manager that those packages are installed "as-deps-only-for-build" to something else it would solve the issue, as most package managers have a way to list un-wanted dependencies.

I'm falling short on options here.

EDIT: As others said, the port system of most BSDs does that nicely.
Long time nixers
(23-02-2017, 07:55 AM)venam Wrote: * Remove the uneeded dependencies (that's the step you want help with)

(...) the port system of most BSDs does that nicely.


<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Grey Hair Nixers
(23-02-2017, 08:46 AM)jkl Wrote: FYI:

Does it only work for ports installed using pkgin|pkg_add|pkg, or you have a way to install anything as "build-only deps", so then can be removed later?
Long time nixers
Installing ports - including dependency ports - usually registers them as installed packages. At least on FreeBSD, I can pkg delete ports I installed via portmaster [port].

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers
I have never used a ports system, but does it do any of that automatically? It can't know that I'm done using the dep. So I need to manually run clean-up correct?

I'm not opposed to a clean-up process, just trying to figure out a clean way to have minimal updates. So far I've settled on a container, much like a chroot build system. I have my runtime OS that then only does updates on required packages, nothing superfluous. My build container then keeps all the deps installed permanently, and they get updated when I run system updates. I'm not overly concerned with the build container becoming bloated.

I think I'm just over-complicating it... As I tend to do.
Long time nixers
the only way to keep a system lean is by using plan 9

this is a proven fact.
Long time nixers
(24-02-2017, 09:42 PM)apk Wrote: the only way to keep a system lean is by using plan 9

How do you dare indirectly critizising the eternal, beautiful temple OS? Shame on you.

But you are of course right.
Long time nixers
Aha. The saga continues. I started using the nix package manager for this, which has helped tremendously. I am also in the midst of standing up my own hydra server to use as a nix-channel.