Making the best CLI programs - Programming On Unix

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Making the best CLI programs

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Unix is known for its set of small command line utilities. What are your ideas and features for the best CLI programs. What makes a complete utility.

Show notes
Writing manpages
Perl6 Parsing command line args
Python Unix CLI template
Getopt history

Long time nixers
A complete utility is one that does exactly what it says with no extra whistles and bells. (Unlike e.g. most GNU tools.)

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
I kind of wish coreutils had more standardized flags (i.e. -v will always be version, -V would always be verbose, -s would be silent or quiet so there would be no -q flag). Apart from that, the important thing is that the output is easy to parse with grep or cut, there is no extraneous debug information, errors go to stderr, and overall it just works nicely in a pipeline.

Also, I agree with jkl's point that the GNU tools have way too much extra garbage built in. `ls` (for instance), does not need a sort flag. That's what `sort` is for.
Grey Hair Nixers
BEWARE: big post ahead.

TL;DR: act as a filter, easy to parse > easy to read

Command line interfaces (for now) only have to ways for interfacing with the user: stdin and stdout. Both are immutable, as in, what's written to it can't be erased.
To me, a good CLI program should act as a data filter. Taking a continuous stream of data on it's input, and output the same data, "filtered". All kinds of metadata and "behavior tweaking" methods (such as flag) should be given as an argument to modify the default behavior of the tool.

When you write a tool, you are supposedly aware of what the filter should be, so the hardest part is to figure out what the data should be. Here are a few hints I've gathered,
either by taking advices from other people or failing miserably (sometimes both!):

0. Do not mess "data" and "metadata"

Let's take "grep" as an example. Its default behavior is to "filter out" all lines where a PATTERN doesn't appear within a data STREAM.
Here are a few "misimplementations" of how "grep" could have been written:
$ echo PATTERN | grep FILE0 FILE1
$ echo FILE0 FILE1 | grep PATTERN
$ printf "%s\n%s\n" "PATTERN" "FILE0" | grep

The last one is over-exagerated, but the first two could have been valid implementations. They both suffer the same issue though: they don't make the tool act like a filter (or to reformulate it: they can't operate on STREAMs).

1. Limit the number of flags

I often hear people complaining about one-letter flags limiting you to ONLY 26 flags. But I personally think that 26 flags is already too much!
If your tool can handle this much behavior changes, it is likely too complex, and certainly should be splitted in multiple different tools.
Take "ls" as an example. POSIX specifies 23 flags for it. GNU ls has 40 flags! (not even counting --long-opt only flags):
$ ls --help | grep -o "\s-[a-zA-Z0-9]" | sort | uniq | wc -l                  

That is way too much. For example, the flag -r could be dropped:
$ ls -1 -r
$ ls -1 | tac

The flags -g and -o don't make much sense either, as they filter the output internally (removing either the OWNER or GROUP column).

These flags were indeed added to help the user, but IMO they get in the way as they make the tool more complex to use (more docs and more code can't be a way to go for "simpler" tools)

2. Assume data will be messed up

As much as possible, avoid rigid protocols and format for your input data, and try to simplify your input as much as possible.
If you write, for example, and MPD client that would read commands on stdin, prefer simple inputs:
$ echo "volume 50" | ./pgm
$ ./pgm <<COMMAND
    "command": {
        "type":  "set",
        "key":   "volume",
        "value": "50"
One might argue that JSON is easy to parse, well defined and such. That doesn't make it a nice input format, really.


0. Prefer "parseable" to "readable"

Make your output easy to parse, rather than easy to read. Most unix tools work with lines, and play with separators (the famous $IFS variable). Try to format your output as such (tabulations make a great separator!).
Prefer good documentation to verbosity.
Consider a program that would print out the weather in different city. It could have the two following outputs (reading city names on stdin):

$ printf '%s\n%s\n' "Mexico" "Oslo" | weather
City: Mexico
Wind speed: 10mph
Humidity: 17%
Raining probability: 2%
Temperature: 35°C

City: Oslo
Wind speed: 22mph
Humidity: 44%
Raining probability: 37%
Temperature: 8°C

$ printf '%s\n%s\n' "Mexico" "Oslo" | weather
Mexico    10    17    2    35
Oslo    22    44    37    8

The second output is pretty "hard" to read from a user POV. Now try to write a quick tool that would display only the city name and raining probability...
As I'm a cool guy, here is the one for the second output:

$ printf '%s\n%s\n' "Mexico" "Oslo" | weather | cut -f1,4
Mexico 2
Oslo 37

It's easier to format RAW data than strip down a formatted one.

1. Your output is an API

Think well about how you format your output data, because some people will rely on it.
If you take the example above, some people will have a hard time if you suddenly decide to swap the temperature with the humidity value.
Be consistent, document your tools and remain backward compatible as much as possible.

2. Be stupid

Don't try to look cool by checking wether the user is writting to a terminal or not, and change to output accordingly.
This will only confuse the users that will not understand why their parsing tools can't parse what they usually get.

The simpler, the better.
Long time nixers
(23-05-2016, 10:08 AM)ninjacharlie Wrote: Also, I agree with jkl's point that the GNU tools have way too much extra garbage built in. `ls` (for instance), does not need a sort flag. That's what `sort` is for.

My favorite example is GNU's "true" which can - if compiled correctly - return "false". Including --help and, most important, --version. Because, you know, a different version of "true" can lead to different results.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers

You are kind of wrong.

If your programs have similar flags, you should consider making it an own utility.

One example for this is the option -h: it is used in du, ls and df, but can be abstracted into one
utility (see

Of course, this is not always possible. Your examples with -v (for version), -V (for verbose) -h (help, -s (silent) make sense.
But I think that duplication of flags always carries the danger of replicating features.

I heard an interesting idea a while ago, namely that 3 standard files are not enough.
stdin, stdout and stderr all have distinct purposes.

But very often stderr is misused for status information which doesn't have anything to do with errors.

The author gave a proposal of two other standard file descriptors: usrin and usrout, which can be used for user in- and output
while the program is running. If somebody here knows pick(1), he/she knows the truth (pick lets you select the lines that get sent
down the pipeline):

Some ugly hacking with the tty has to be done.

Here is the medium rant (only read the first half, the second one is about images in the terminal):

I liked the first half. The second is totally infected by "Integrate everything."

Edit: also, z3bra is right with everything. As always (sigh).
Grey Hair Nixers
(28-05-2016, 10:50 AM)pranomostro Wrote: Edit: also, z3bra is right with everything. As always (sigh).

Couldn't agree more with this line!
Long time nixers
(23-05-2016, 10:20 AM)z3bra Wrote:
$ printf '%s\n%s\n' "Mexico" "Oslo" | weather
Mexico    10    17    2    35
Oslo    22    44    37    8

This would be just as easy (or even easier) by adding a header and with alignment, like for <code>ps</code>:

City      Wind  Humidity Rain Temperature
Mexico    10    17       2    35
Oslo      22    44       37   8

I liked these long posts!
Grey Hair Nixers
(01-06-2016, 10:40 AM)sshbio Wrote: This would be just as easy (or even easier) by adding a header and with alignment, like for ps:

I'm not quite sure. To be honest, I feel like headers/alignment makes it harder to parse the output. For example, in order to get all the temperature, you'll need:
$ weather | sed 1d | tr -s ' ' | cut -d\  -f5

You first need to filter out the header, then, get rid of the alignment, and finally output the 5 field, using a custom separator.
With my solution, all you need is

$ weather | cut -f5

Way easier to parse actually, and thus, it should be easy to make a "readable output" right?
$ weather | sed '1iCity\tWind\tHumidity\tRain\tTemperature' | column -t
Quote:I'm not quite sure. To be honest, I feel like headers/alignment makes it harder to parse the output. For example, in order to get all the temperature, you'll need:
$ weather | sed 1d | tr -s ' ' | cut -d\  -f5

But if you're intending to use awk, the first input shouldn't be a problem. It could be like:

weather | sed 1d | awk '{print $5}'

awk easily formats columns.

obs.: There must be some bug in the javascript because I can't quote z3bra's last post automatically with the quote button. Trying to quote other posts works fine.
Grey Hair Nixers
If you intend to use awk, you shouldn't use any other tool, as it is a full blow programming language:
$ weather | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print $5}}'

The point here was to discuss CLI programs, while awk is a language interpreter. That would be like using python or perl to filter the output.
(02-06-2016, 03:27 AM)z3bra Wrote: If you intend to use awk, you shouldn't use any other tool, as it is a full blow programming language

This way of thinking is what's wrong with big parts of development communities.
Grey Hair Nixers
Why so? Because you shouldn't "force yourself" and simply use what's available? It makes sense to do so. My point was more about the fact that using awk only to print specific columns is not efficient at all. We came to a point where people use awk ONLY for this specific purpose. That's what is bugging me there.
I've found a nice addition to this topic:
A series of posts about CLI design.
Long time nixers
Edit. :)

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
(14-09-2016, 02:03 PM)jkl Wrote: Well done after I have posted it in another topic.
I crawl the web faster than spiders.

EDIT: It deals with the programming aspect of the CLI and other stuffs I've completely missed in the talk but that were mentioned in the discussion here.

Also, this topic is always recurrent, the usual "no news is good news".
Pranomostro mentioned it:
(28-05-2016, 10:50 AM)pranomostro Wrote: I heard an interesting idea a while ago, namely that 3 standard files are not enough.
stdin, stdout and stderr all have distinct purposes.

But very often stderr is misused for status information which doesn't have anything to do with errors.

The author gave a proposal of two other standard file descriptors: usrin and usrout, which can be used for user in- and output
while the program is running. If somebody here knows pick(1), he/she knows the truth (pick lets you select the lines that get sent
down the pipeline):

Some ugly hacking with the tty has to be done.

Here is the medium rant (only read the first half, the second one is about images in the terminal):

I liked the first half. The second is totally infected by "Integrate everything."
And the post author in this section.
Obviously, this goes along with the textuality of Unix-like systems, you want to be able to join together the programs and not mess up the output, make it as simple as possible and easy to parse.

Here's more:
A Guidelines for Command Line Interface Design (or )which discusses in depth the generic view of CLI, the what they are and so what they should do to make it easier, directly leaking from the definition.
A typical answer to what a Unix CLI should adhere to. This is the usual boring stuffs but if you haven't gone through it check it out.
The unfamous Program design in the UNIX environment which discusses the philosophy and generic design of Unix programs. This is more of a styling guide, an analysis of trends that should be avoided or favored.
This article was on HN.
Long time nixers
check out venams hit new single

"i crawl the web faster than spiders"

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emerging underground artist guys
(12-10-2016, 12:52 AM)venam Wrote: This article was on HN.

That's a good post, it's been some time since I stopped checking HN daily. Wonder how you found something relevant.
argonaut · musician · developer · writer ·
Long time nixers
(04-06-2016, 05:01 AM)z3bra Wrote: Why so? Because you shouldn't "force yourself" and simply use what's available? It makes sense to do so. My point was more about the fact that using awk only to print specific columns is not efficient at all. We came to a point where people use awk ONLY for this specific purpose. That's what is bugging me there.

To come back to this: I think there is a reason why we have small programming languages as filters, sed, awk, heck, even regular expressions are a small language. Yes, using awk just to print columns means not using it's full capabilities, but I think that is okay. In the book 'The Awk programming language' the authors stated that awk was mostly used for quick one-liners, and then continued to say that it was also possible to write full-blown programs in it. So first purpose was really a tool for flexible one-liners.

And if you mean efficient in the sense of 'awk is not fast', I want to discuss that with you. Because I had a really hard time beating
a awk 4-liner with a optimised and specialized C program. awk is fast. Give it a try yourself and try to beat awk with C. I found it very hard.

awk is useful for simple tasks like printing columns, validating data and so on, for creating filters on the fly. In my opinion it plays well together with the rest of the environment.

I took a look at my history to show that awk can be really useful for that:

$ ./leyland | awk '{ print($2"^"$3"+"$3"^"$2"=="$1) }' | bc | g -v '^1$'
# this is a good example for awk's usage: rearranging fields and verifying a commands output
$ zcat data/test06.gz | ./genin | ./rcn | awk '$3<0.5'
# again, we use awk as a filter. sed would be too complicated here, and bc just doesn't cut it (mainly because of the lack of -e)
$ ./ffstats bzip2 test/*.png | awk '$1>1 { print($1*10) }'  | sed 's/\..*//' | stag
# filtering and transforming the input would have been quite tedious in C, at least more than here
Grey Hair Nixers
I'm definitely not saying that awk is neither fast nor efficient. It is indeed!
In my case, the only thing I can do with awk is printing a column. Looking at your history, I must admit I have no idea what these one-liners are doing. So in my case, I feel guilty for using awk because I really have no *real* reason to use it. It is, IMO the same thing as using sed to replace all occurences of 'a' by 'A' (assuming you have no other use for sed on your system). `tr` would be better suited because it does only this.

I do agree, however, that nowadays memory/diskspace is cheap. So installing sed/awk instead of tr/cut is irrelevant. It's just that, I don't know, if I was offerend a magic cooking robot with hundred feature, but that I would only use it to mix eggs, I'd feel like I'd waste it. And I don't like wasting things.

(Ok, the idea of "wasting" awk is stupid, but really, that's close to what I feel!)
Long time nixers
(13-10-2016, 08:53 AM)z3bra Wrote: Looking at your history, I must admit I have no idea what these one-liners are doing.

They were quite specific temporary filters. And awk came in quite handy.

(13-10-2016, 08:53 AM)z3bra Wrote: So in my case, I feel guilty for using awk because I really have no *real* reason to use it. It is, IMO the same thing as using sed to replace all occurences of 'a' by 'A' (assuming you have no other use for sed on your system).

Ah, okay. You have no use for it, so there is no reason for you to use it most of the time.
Long time nixers
(13-10-2016, 08:53 AM)z3bra Wrote: (Ok, the idea of "wasting" awk is stupid, but really, that's close to what I feel!)

That is also how I feel sometimes: "I can't really call awk for this. It would be an overkill".

I also feel dumb to use scripts that are 80% awk. Why not a script fully in awk with a <code>#!/usr/bin/awk -f</code> shebang...

I also like ip-style scripts: it has a top-level command (ip) that has subcommands (address, link...), that also have subcommands...

It is very easy to implement it in shell script:

I do a top-level config command, and in the same directory, config-* commands that can be called from the config command.

Each config-* command has a first line with a comment with description for the command.

Without argument, the config command lists the subcommands with these descriptions, with arguments, it selects the scripts (partial name allowed: 'config-git' == 'config g') and run it with the aditionnal arguments.

So I can type:
$ config build install tmux
$ config b install tmux
I've recorded a new updated version of this episode, as this was lacking quality.

Here's the transcript:
Making the best CLI programs

Unix is known for its set of small command line utilities. What are
your ideas and features for the best CLI programs. What makes a complete


There's no best way... Extravagant title.

There's not one way, there are multiple ways and some are more used than
others some less used, every one of them has its advantages, some are
more frequently used, more common let's say.


* Distinction - Removing the fuzziness around the title, previous recording

I missed out a lot of things in my earlier version of this podcast,
and there also might have been some confusion - Partially because it was
one of the first episode and I was getting used to presenting subjects
in the form of podcasts.

What's a CLI, and what exactly are we going to talk about today?

There are many ways of interfacing with a machine the most popular ones are
the text interface and the graphical interface.

Other types of interaction exist such as an audio interface (like OK
Google), tactile, etc.. There's probably one for every of the five senses.

We're discussing the command line interface which is a subset of
text interfaces. Within this subset there is yet another subset layer
containing different types of command line ui.

What's a text UI?

Text UI or text mode is an interface which only outputs text - not

Text UI are probably the oldest and simplest type of UI that is still
alive today. It was first used on teletype printers which are sort of
like typewriters but connected to computers.

The first versions of Unix had their outputs on those teletype printers,
and thus the text ui and more precisely the command line utilities
were favored.

Unix is now well known for its set of small command line utilities,
they're inherent to unix.

What are your ideas and features for the best CLI programs. What makes
a complete utility.

What are the intricacies that make the best command line interface.

What does "best" mean?

That's what we're gonna see, the multiple definitions of best by
considering the multiple facets a command line interface should have.


* Why is it so prevalent - Usability and History (Just scrapping the top)

Let's visit the reasons why we use CLI and from those premises maybe
we can deduce some things that might lead us in the direction of the
"best" CLI.

As we've said the command-line interface evolved from a need to
communicate with a machine remotely via a teleprinter.

You issue commands, exchange info, and the machine prints back the
associated computed answer.

Because of the nature of paper, everything had to be printed as text
line by line.

Soon enough, the paper was replaced by glass tty and peanuts peanuts
later we have what we have today.

CLI still remains a powerful way of communicating with a machine.

Why's that?

The most important is that it goes along with the core of unix minimalism,
it works in the most minimal environment.

It's also a transparent view on the operating system because most system
calls have symetrical command line utility associated with it.

You enter those commands in a shell or "command line interpreter".

The unix shell is known for it's ability to combine, compose, and automate
multiple commands together in a script-like fashion.

It has its advantages and that's why it prevails.

Unix is an expert-friendly system where you can easily configure
everything for your precise needs, and that's the attraction.


* Unix Philosophy ( Dumb, KISS, output )

The unix philosophy percolates into the way of interfacing.

Or maybe it's just that both the way of interfacing and the unix
philosophy move along in an arms race influencing each others.

A good command line utility may want to follow the direction of the
Unix philosophy.

Bluntly put, small programs that are easy to combine with other programs.

One that does exactly what it says with no extra whistles and bells.


* Flexibility: Configuration ( Again type of interaction )

A user needs to tell the program he's interfacing with exactly what
he needs.

One way to do that is through configuration.

But what should be configurable and how should the user configure it?

Unix users crave flexibility and power but at the same time want to keep
programs simple and minimal.

There's the dilemma between too much choose and configuration and not
enough, what should we keep and what should we leave out.

Before dealing with the ways you can get the configurations from let's
first lay down some simple principles that can help choose whether a
configuration option is needed or not.

First, don't make it mandatory to provide configuration for things you could
deduce without the user's interaction.

That goes as well for environment and for reasonable default values.

Auto-detection is a great way to reduce the overhead and have a clean
command line interface.

Second, don't add an option or feature or configuration that could
be done by using another command line tool, that complexity should be
deferred to the other specialized program.

Ask yourself the following questions:

Can I leave this feature out?

Why am I fattening the manual and burdening the user?

Could the program's normal behavior be changed in an innocuous way that
would make the option unnecessary?

Is this option merely cosmetic? Should I be thinking less about how to
make the user interface configurable and more about how to make it right?

Should the behavior enabled by this option be a separate program instead?

Those are the kind of things you need to have in mind when choosing the
options your command line utility will have.

But remember, it's through a series of iterations and usage that you'll find
what is superfluous and what is not.

However, once an option is added it's harder to remove it, thus start
with as few as possible.


* Type of interaction ( input, output, sink, pipe, etc.. )

To understand how the user will provide the orders to a programs we need to
go over the ways a command line program can run.

There are different patterns or "type" of CLI.

One way of looking at it might be by looking at the temporality, long
running programs vs one-shot programs.

In the case of the long running program it may be better to have a
configuration file so that the cli can parse them during the run.

Also for long running program you may want to have a way to recover in
case of failure and even have a flag of verbosity so that you can tell
the user that things are currently happening.

On the other hand one-shot programs can have command line options.

But that also depends on the frequency of usage, because it maybe
be tedious to always type the same arguments for a one shot program,
especially if there are many.

You may want to provide a way to wrap them, or let the user wrap them
himself in a script.

The generic design of a CLI goes as follow:
* Gather input from somewhere
* Do something with the data
* Display result somewhere or not

Depending on where it gathers inputs, what kind of changes it makes,
and where it displays results, the name of the command line pattern
differs and also the way of using it while jamming it inside a script.

For example:

The Sink Pattern takes an input and doesn't return output, which turns it
into a dark hole when put in the middle of a series of commands separated
by pipes.

Different patterns:

The Filter Pattern
The Cantrip Pattern
The Source Pattern
The Sink Pattern
The Compiler Pattern
The ed pattern
The Roguelike Pattern
The ‘Separated Engine and Interface’ Pattern
The CLI Server Pattern
Language-Based Interface Patterns

The most important part of this is that everything that is input (stdin)
and output (stdout and stderr when there are errors) should be easy
parseable text and not necessarily readable output.

This goes along with the "composability" of unix programs.
Unix has that great inter-process communication.

It can be argued that 3 standard file descriptors are not enough but in
most cases they're enough.

Also, on the topic of format, just like extra configurations, once you've
chosen an input or output format it's hard to change later on.

In sum, the best CLI is composable, whichever pattern it chooses to


* Command Line Options... Then how do we interact

Argument parsing, input parsing, configuration file parsing.

Do not reinvent any of those, don't surprise your users with your brand
new self-righteous wisdom, they don't need it.

Let's take the example of argument parsing:

There were no standard for command line argument parsing until the 1985
UNIFORUM conference. AT&T released the getopt argument parsing library
which then became a standard in POSIX.

Now it's a standard and if softwares choose not to implement it they
confuse users. Which doesn't make a good CLI.

Other than getopt, there are many other libraries that adhere to the
standard and make it simple to parse arguments.

Another thing that is frequently mentioned is the number of command
line arguments. Just like we've said before in an earlier section,
you shouldn't add configurations where no configuration is necessary.

If you feel like you're adding a flag for a feature that could be a
program on its own then split it on its own.

You should limit the number of flags.

Namely, there are two standard ways of passing arguments to a program
on the command line: one-letter flags and long arguments.

The original Unix tradition uses the single letter while the GNU project
added the long ones.

You should support both and adhere to the standard.
Provide long, readable option names with short aliases.


* Least surprise ( Flags, Name, etc.. )

Expectation is everything.
Don't break the expectations of the users, always refer to the least
surprise rule.

When in doubt, use the most common option.

For example, regarding command line options, they should be intuitive.
Everyone expects a -V for version or verbose, a -h for help, etc...
Those two are the most prevalent but other characters are too, -f for
file, -a for all, -o for output, those are obvious.

Same goes for program names, use mnemonic, names that are obvious and
relate to what your program does.
You should attempt to make the command name easy to remember.

This whole topic of least surprise has been repeated over and over in the
other sections but implicitly.
It's probably one of the most important part to make a great CLI.


- Documentation (Everything, even bugs, signal handling) - goes along with least suprise

Another thing that users expect on Unix is documentation that comes
along with a software.

Someone might issue a -h flag and expect back a small help message.
Or sometimes just running a program without any flag.

We also expect a man page that lists everything related to the software.
From what the software does, to the ENV it uses, to error codes, to
bugs, etc..
Don't forget to mention if you log errors and where.
If you store configuration files, if you have a verbose flag, a human
readable flag to add colors to the output, etc..

We expect a README and INSTALL files coming with the software's source.

Those are all ways to tell your users how to correctly use your software.

You could also go as far as creating a webpage, IRC channel, and newsletter.

When a command line program is alive is has a community around it.

The key point is that the user should be notified of everything, you
should be transparent.

This is truly important because CLI are the main way of interfacing with
a Unix machine and without documentation the tool is useless.


* Argument of completeness
* Over the edge: Small Scripting/mini language, curses, prompt - part
of cli or not (text ui) -> GUI with scripting

There are other non-mandatory features that could, maybe, make your
CLI better. However, for some they are considered bloat.

One thing is related to the documentation. You could add, along with your
CLI, during installation, a tab completion for the shell.

zsh and fish shell offer those.

Instead of memorizing all the command line options your user can just cycle
through them and read what they do.

However, that may mean that your CLI options are not straightforward
and you may want to revisit your design.

One type of CLI we forgot to mention are the ones included inside other
softwares, such as GDB, the gnu debugger.

Like the shell, they are interactive prompt, interpreters.

They are a step above the ones mentioned above, it lives in it's own

A step even above that, a type of interface that is also based on text, is
the curses interface or roguelike ui.

It's a fancy kind of text ui in the console.

Those are not fast applications, they can't be jammed on the command
line pipelines either. And thus you have to use them only in specific scenarios.

A good case would be an installer, you use this type of UI to ask all
the configurations upfront and then, when over, execute whatever needs
to be executed.

It's also nice to have multiple kinds of UI for the same program, if they
interface the same library, make them work in a hybrid way.

Let's mention the last category, scripting languages or mini-language.

Awk, perl, ruby, sed, etc..

Those are mini-programming-languages that you can use alongside your
command line programs.

Even the shell is a programming language by itself.

Although most users think of the shell as an interactive command
interpreter, it is really a programming language in which each statement
runs a command. Because it must satisfy both the interactive and
programming aspects of command execution, it is a strange language,
shaped as much by history as by design.

— Brian Kernighan & Rob Pike

All in all programs with command-line interfaces are generally easier
to automate via scripting.


Let's conclude on a controversial note.

The main things we've mentioned in this podcast to make the "best" CLI
are related to not going against the tide and not doing the unexpected.

This may seem like an argument against innovation and I can understand that
point of view.

If we simply follow the same old mantra and keep repeating it, it seems
like we're not gonna invent anything.

Well, take the mantra and shape it gently.
Don't underestimate many many years of iterative testing.


This is it for the best CLI, mixed a bit of everything

--(Show Notes)--
Show notes
Writing manpages
Perl6 Parsing command line args
Python Unix CLI template
Getopt history
Command Line Interface Guidelines

And here are the episode links

(28-05-2016, 10:50 AM)pranomostro Wrote: The author gave a proposal of two other standard file descriptors: usrin and usrout, which can be used for user in- and output
while the program is running. If somebody here knows pick(1), he/she knows the truth (pick lets you select the lines that get sent
down the pipeline):

Some ugly hacking with the tty has to be done.

Interestingly enough, I have a set of POCs in my ~/devel/snippet directory which does just that. In the end, it's not that ugly, really. The solution is simply to open your controlling terminal an use it for user interaction instead of the naive way of reading/writing on stdin/stdout.
I hope that's what pick(1) does, and I wish that's what dialog did.

Note that the thread is quite long, so I have not read carefully the whole thing (linear forums make it hard to follow interesting parts of a thread).
Thread Promotion

This is an ever evolving topic, there's a lot to cover that hasn't been already. While we're reading taoup for the bookclub I realized that there's a lot more to add.
For example, in the type of interaction, I've listed above: input, output, sink, pipe. But I'd like to add phillbush's idea of "interactive filters" instead of non-interactive ones.
And also emphasize too the grouping/bundling of related commands to reduce the cognitive load on users. What some call the subcommand interface.

What do you think? What other criteria or ideas that should be emphasized to make a good CLI?

Long time nixers
One tool to make the best CLI programs is to abstract out common usage patterns from different programs. For example, some utilities produce file sizes, either to be read by another program or by a human. Instead of a -h option for different programs to produce human readable values, use a utility, such as z3bra's human, that converts values from its input into human-readable sizes.

Another practice to make good CLI programs is to use idiomatic functions:
  • A double-hyphen (--) on the argument list stops option parsing. Rather than implementing that, use getopt(3), that handles it and much more.
  • When a program in a script writes to stdout, it is hard to guess which program failed when it does not identify itself. Using the err(1) family of functions writes "progname: errno string: comment", a idiomatic error string that identifies the program by its progname (argv[0]).

I made this table for a post on the book club thread.
It lists and describes the types of CLI that can be used in a script. roguelike interface is ignored, because it does not scriptable.

│ Interface   Read input   Write output   Change environment   Examples    │
│ Filter      ✓            ✓              ✗                    cat, grep   │
│ Cantrip     ✗            ✗              ✓                    rm, touch   │
│ Source      ✗            ✓              ✗                    ls, ps      │
│ Sink        ✓            ✗              ✓                    lpr, mail   │
│ Compiler    From file    To file        ✓                    tar, cc,    │
│ ed          From user    To user        ✓                    sh, ed, gdb │

I think there are more (sub)categories of command-line interfaces that can be used in a pipeline.

The pretty-printer.
Pretty-printers are a subcategory of filters or sources whose output is not parseable, instead, the output is meant to be read by the user, not by another program. Pretty printers often use the number of $COLUMNS in a terminal to tabulate the output. ls(1) is a pretty-printer: you should not parse the output of ls(1).

The interactive filter.
Interactive filters are a subcategory of filters whose parsing of input and generation of output is done by the user, not programmatically by the utility. Examples are pick, smenu and fzf.

The wrapper.
Wrappers are utilities whose sole purpose is to call another utility. They programmatically set the environment (either environment variables or command-line arguments) for another utility and run them. An example is xargs(1).

The test.
Testers are a subcategory of cantrips or sinks that returns a result as exit status, not on standard output. The script checks the exit status ($?) of a test and proceeds according to its value.
Quote:Same goes for program names, use mnemonic, names that are obvious and
relate to what your program does.
You should attempt to make the command name easy to remember.

I wrote that previously, but I think it definitely needs to be said again as I keep finding new tools that choose the most unmemorizable names.
I'm sure you all have examples of this phenomenon.
Grey Hair Nixers
(21-06-2021, 06:23 AM)phillbush Wrote: Instead of a -h option for different programs to produce human readable values, use a utility, such as z3bra's human, that converts values from its input into human-readable sizes.

Thanks my dude 🖤 😄 Link for unaware people: human(1)
Long time nixers

Quote:The fundamental problem with vi is that it doesn’t have a mouse and therefore you’ve got all these commands.

Bill Joy, 1984.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen