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Grey Hair Nixers
This is the thread to share general ideas (design, services, ...) about the UnixHub community.

I was thinking of a bottom bar with infos like this:

[Image: gHOv]
Long time nixers
(04-07-2013, 09:11 AM)Beastie Wrote: This is the thread to share general ideas (design, services, ...) about the UnixHub community.

I was thinking of a bottom bar with infos like this:

[Image: gHOv]

I like it! I'll do some thinking :)
Long time nixers
I like that idea Beastie! Also I would add info on the IRC server like if it's up or down, and also I've seen sites that show how many users are connected to IRC as well.
Grey Hair Nixers
That's a great idea. Could you show me an example?
Long time nixers
A dumb questions thread maybe? (for me)
Grey Hair Nixers
Make it :)
Long time nixers
(04-07-2013, 12:17 PM)Beastie Wrote: That's a great idea. Could you show me an example?
Here is one example from a private tracker I frequent. I will look for more. I was thinking it would look nice if that information was show in a bar instead of a box, but hey you're the guy making it :P.
This bar is an excellent idea, now we can _stalk_ the users more easily.
Seriously, why would we need this bar?
Long time nixers
Well I'm just weird that way I guess :/
Grey Hair Nixers
(04-07-2013, 03:43 PM)venam Wrote: This bar is an excellent idea, now we can _stalk_ the users more easily.
Seriously, why would we need this bar?

People like to know who's there on the forums :>
Grey Hair Nixers
It's not a suggestion thread it's an idea thread ^^
Long time nixers
For every new post, do this: s/\[\/?url\]//g or whatever
Long time nixers
If this where the suggestion thread I would suggest you guys give me root to this box, but since it's an idea thread I'll share some ideas. I was thinking about looking into an irc bot that would notify you when a thread you're subscribed has a reply etc. What do you guys think?
Long time nixers
Back when I played video games they always had an infor box on the left hand side to show the status of the server, as kopri said this would be good to implement for the irc channel. But instead of some huge box, add something quite minimal. Better yet something just chilling in the top right corner with IRC: ON/OFF. Also a monthly contest would be cool, purely for sport though, no prizes. Probably something related to coding.
Long time nixers
I think the idea of the monthly contest is awesome! Scrot of the month or something like that everyone votes on.
Long time nixers
Yeah! Coding contests, scrot contests, that would bring a lot of action/attraction on the community.

Also, I think there's no way to PM somebody on the forums.
Grey Hair Nixers
I'll enable it tomorrow morning.
Long time nixers
Yeah it would be nice to show off some of the scripts we use for our window managers etc. Like the script I use to make MonsterWM to send what I want to my bar.
Grey Hair Nixers
Yeah a general purpose bot would be great. I don't know when crshd will have finished his python bot.
(04-07-2013, 09:53 PM)kopri Wrote:
(04-07-2013, 09:25 PM)theconjuring Wrote:
Yeah it would be nice to show off some of the scripts we use for our window managers etc. Like the script I use to make MonsterWM to send what I want to my bar.
There's no PM but you can still send an email to that person, which is more professional and have more chance to be noticed.
I'm working until next friday but after that I'll be happy to code you a bot. Just write a list of stuff you need and I'll see to it.
The coding contest would be good, though could also take it a step down and do daily (or every few days, or weekly) programming challenge(s). So would be problems much simpler than the contest.

I feel like the coding section does need some restructuring, as some of the sections seem out of place or just confusing. For instance, the "Perl and Python, Haskell, Ruby" section (description includes Lua too), possibly this should just be renamed to Scripting Language section? And remove Haskell from it, Haskell doesn't seem to get much attention here (as far as on the forum, I know there's some Haskellers in the community though) so could possibly just create a Functional Programming section. Then there's the Web Markup languages section but it also includes PHP, possibly just change it to Web Development? The last thing is for general development discussions and languages not currently mentioned, there doesn't seem to be an appropriate section for those.

So I propose restructuring it so possibly a few key languages or key family of languages that are some what popular get their own section and then general type sections (Scripting, Markup, General Development, etc.). Or making it very language specific, and just having a general (for languages that aren't added yet) and adding other languages later if they're popular. If we also do a coding contest and also include programming challenges it may be good idea to have a section for that?

An Example:

* General Programming/Development (basically stuff that won't fit in the other sections)
* C Family
* Scripting Languages (Ruby, Perl, Python, etc.)
* Shell Scripting
* Functional Languages (Purely functional languages or languages heavily influenced by the functional paradigm)
* Web Development (Web markups, as well as languages associated with Web development)

One problem with the above is if wanting to talk about a language often associated with web development (e.g. Javascript) but the discussion is not in a web context. Possibly could specify the Web Development section would be exclusively for discussions that are in the context of web. So a non related JS discussion (say you're using it as a scripting language in an application) would then go in the Scripting Languages section.


* General Programming/Development (basically stuff that won't fit in the other sections)
* C Family (though may want to split this up into the individual languages)
* Ruby
* Python
* Haskell

The latter is cleaner I think, and prevents having multiple sections that could be just as appropriate for the topic (as can be the case with the general example above). Main problem here is it could get very big.

- - -

Some other ideas could be having our own wargames? Or a bot based game, could also be fun (e.g. design a game that is intended to be played by bots and see how well each others bots do).
Grey Hair Nixers
I agree the code section is messy and therefore under used. Your first solution looks great, I think I will apply it.
Grey Hair Nixers
Muh fizzbuzz.
(05-07-2013, 11:25 AM)bottomy Wrote: Some other ideas could be having our own wargames? Or a bot based game, could also be fun (e.g. design a game that is intended to be played by bots and see how well each others bots do).

I would totally be down for some war games. How to host it on the other hand? Well, I have no idea.
[Image: a0QZxXO.gif]
Long time nixers
(05-07-2013, 05:12 PM)BigE Wrote:
(05-07-2013, 11:25 AM)bottomy Wrote: Some other ideas could be having our own wargames? Or a bot based game, could also be fun (e.g. design a game that is intended to be played by bots and see how well each others bots do).

I would totally be down for some war games. How to host it on the other hand? Well, I have no idea.

Some other forums I used to frequent played [forum mafia]( quite a lot, never got involved myself but I always wanted to, it seemed really fun.
Long time nixers
(05-07-2013, 05:32 PM)NeoTerra Wrote:
(05-07-2013, 05:24 PM)kirby Wrote: Some other forums I used to frequent played forum mafia quite a lot, never got involved myself but I always wanted to, it seemed really fun.

I've seen this pulled off but it's complicated. We should try it though :)

We could start with the very very basic - some people are Mafia rest are villagers, and if it works well then we could add layers of complexity like more roles and stuff.
Long time nixers
Idea: Let's bring the ideas to life by actually starting to do them now. :)
Grey Hair Nixers
Heh, we're trying to follow on you*r* ideas !
Alternate themes would be cool
I could write one and whack it in stylish I guess