OpenBSD USB install - BSD

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Long time nixers
Does anyone know how I can install OpenBSD to my hard drive from a USB stick? I've been searching for guides for days and haven't been able to find anything clear. All I can find are live bootable installs.

I don't have a disc drive which is why I'm asking. I'm also on a Win7 machine since it's all I have at the moment. I haven't been able to use *nix in almost a year and I need it back.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I figured you all would know better than I do.
Grey Hair Nixers
- Download install50.iso from one of’s mirrors
- Create a qemu image
- Install a minimal OpenBSD environment to the image using qemu
- Copy the installation sets from the .iso to the image’s root
- dd the completed image to your usb device
- boot the usb from your bios and install OpenBSD to your harddrive
Grey Hair Nixers
Long time nixers
Need a BSD machine to do this from I suppose. Maybe I'll just buy an external optical drive or wait until I get a better machine. Thanks Beastie.
Long time nixers
HA. I feel like an idiot now. Thanks for reminding me of that shix.
Long time nixers
(21-06-2013, 02:40 PM)Beastie Wrote:

Nice share boss!
It sure will help us a lot to have dcoppa with us.
Grey Hair Nixers
Too bad plhk doesn't post here, we could have pretty epic OpenBSD wars.
(05-07-2013, 03:57 PM)yrmt Wrote: Too bad plhk doesn't post here, we could have pretty epic OpenBSD wars.

I know Alexander. He'll win for sure :)
Grey Hair Nixers
I'll try to get him here!
Long time nixers
Used the technique yrmt posted to install OpenBSD into my USB drive. It was easy, quick & it worked. Thank you very much. :)
Long time nixers
(21-06-2013, 02:40 PM)yrmt Wrote: [Here!](

Hey yrmt, the link doesn't seem to be working, and it seems like this could help me out a lot, do you still have access to the document?
Long time nixers
You know, for a good few versions now, OpenBSD has had pre-made USB images you can just dd to a USB stick. Here is the one for amd64, for example. There is no need for anything complicated now, you can just write the image to a USB stick and boot from it.
my website:
Long time nixers
(26-11-2014, 02:24 PM)pizzaroll1 Wrote: You know, for a good few versions now, OpenBSD has had pre-made USB images you can just dd to a USB stick. Here is the one for amd64, for example. There is no need for anything complicated now, you can just write the image to a USB stick and boot from it.

I didn't know that, I've been waiting for that feature for <b>awhile</b> now, thanks man.