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Long time nixers
(31-05-2019, 07:08 AM)fraun Wrote: kodi or osmc, for that obvious media centre tv thing.

my nas also runs kodi and is already plugged into the tv. i wanna incoperate these pi's into my basement lab somehow.
(31-05-2019, 11:36 AM)xero Wrote:
(31-05-2019, 07:08 AM)fraun Wrote: kodi or osmc, for that obvious media centre tv thing.

my nas also runs kodi and is already plugged into the tv. i wanna incoperate these pi's into my basement lab somehow.

Looks dope.
I use a pi as a thin client at a station I use to write documentation and do research/drawing. It's powerful enough, really. I'm actually waiting for an Rpi3b+ to come in, and I'll be able to PXE boot the thing