Ricerous, A Community Project About Ricing - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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I'll keep the votes up for another week and then the name with the most votes will win.

Here are the current positioning:
ricerous 4 23.53%
rice tracker 2 11.76%
ricer cftk (config tracker) 1 5.88%
ricer helper 1 5.88%
ricer diary 1 5.88%
ricer introducer* 1 5.88%
rice reference 1 5.88%
rice portable wiki 1 5.88%
nixers ricer 1 5.88%
other 4 23.53%
In the other options we have:
bagOfRice - earsplit
rice cooker - thetornainbow
unmentioned - dcat
unmentioned - towa
Long time nixers
I voted for ricerous, but then I thought of another possible name: ricericebby ("Rice, Rice, baby!")

Also, there isn't a program in the AUR or in the debian repos named "rice". We could just name it "rice". Nice, simple, and 4 letters. Something about it being 4 letters makes it the perfect program name to me.
(31-08-2014, 05:38 PM)dbcooper Wrote: I voted for ricerous, but then I thought of another possible name: ricericebby ("Rice, Rice, baby!")
We need to settle for a name to create the common repo with the backend and the frontend. This will be the next big step so that the program is easily testable and usable. Adding new names to the list only adds more difficulties. In 4 days I'll close the poll and we'll use the most voted name. If you want to use "ricericebby" get persons to bump the thread saying that they agree.

(31-08-2014, 05:38 PM)dbcooper Wrote: Also, there isn't a program in the AUR or in the debian repos named "rice". We could just name it "rice". Nice, simple, and 4 letters. Something about it being 4 letters makes it the perfect program name to me.
It's a huge burden to use the "rice" name for this little program. It would have to be the image when people talk about rice which it isn't.
Long time nixers
Ah, I see. My vote for ricerous stands, then.
Long time nixers
nix & rice?
Long time nixers
It would be nice if this project had a setup.py (using distutils) so you could just so "python setup.py install" and it'd work. I forked it and wrote the setup.py, but then I realised the whole structure of the repo would need to change, so I deleted the fork, because you should probably be the one to change all of the code, when the time comes. I suppose it's more important to get the program itself to work first.

Writing an easy to use setup script and good documentation never hurts, though, and would save time when you inevitably need to convert the project to distutils.
my website: kaashif.co.uk
(02-09-2014, 04:34 PM)pizzaroll1 Wrote: It would be nice if this project had a setup.py (using distutils) so you could just so "python setup.py install" and it'd work. I forked it and wrote the setup.py, but then I realised the whole structure of the repo would need to change, so I deleted the fork, because you should probably be the one to change all of the code, when the time comes. I suppose it's more important to get the program itself to work first.

Writing an easy to use setup script and good documentation never hurts, though, and would save time when you inevitably need to convert the project to distutils.
I was working on it some days ago but I had problems choosing the location of the configs.
So, it's been a week. I'll remove the poll.
Here are the results:
ricerous wins with
6 votes (27.27% of the total)
In second place we had:

ricer cftk (config tracker) with 2 votes (9.09%)
rice tracker with 2 votes (9.09%)
rice reference with 2 votes (9.09%)
nixers ricer with 2 votes (9.09%)

Thank you all for voting!
I updated the todo list.
Here it is for the lazy ones:

What Needs To Be Done
  • Start a common repository under the name "ricerous"
  • Review the information on the pad http://titanpad.com/ricing. (Doesn't need programming knowledge)
  • Help cleaning the frontend code (Kivy)
  • Add comments to the code (done to the backend, will need to be done to the frontend after cleaning)
  • Test/Debug the Program (Doesn't need programming knowledge)
  • Package the program (setup.py)
  • Choose a license
  • Get more ideas for outputers templates other than html,markdown, and bbcode. (Doesn't need programming knowledge)
I've update the main post. We finally created a common repository for the project under the name "ricerous".
Here's the new TODO list for the lazy ones that don't want to re-check the main post.
What Needs To Be Done
  • Write a good readme file for the repository
  • Update the code in a way that won't need 2 branches for python2 and python3
  • Review the information on the pad http://titanpad.com/ricing. (Doesn't need programming knowledge)
  • Help cleaning the frontend code (Kivy)
  • Add comments to the code (done to the backend, will need to be done to the frontend after cleaning)
  • Test/Debug the Program (Doesn't need programming knowledge)
  • Package the program (setup.py)
  • Choose a license
  • Get more ideas for outputers templates other than html,markdown, and bbcode. (Doesn't need programming knowledge)
Long time nixers
I wrote a plugin to output LaTeX and submitted a pull request. Some other ideas for output:
  • Pod
  • Asciidoc
  • PDF (without needing a LaTeX compiler)
  • ReStructuredText
It seems like you have most of the bases covered, though. In any case, it seems like most people would want Markdown or some other easily readable plaintext format anyway, so you likely don't need all of these output plugins.
my website: kaashif.co.uk
Long time nixers
I...should contribute to this.
(23-09-2014, 08:20 PM)Mafia Wrote: I...should contribute to this.
。◕‿◕。 Indeed!
Is there a unified GitHub for this yet?
(24-09-2014, 09:21 AM)Foggalong Wrote: Is there a unified GitHub for this yet?
Yes, if you would've re-read the main post you would've noticed it.

Here it is:
(24-09-2014, 12:53 PM)venam Wrote: Yes, if you would've re-read the main post you would've noticed it.

I skipped straight to the most recent posts assuming updates would be here. My bad.
Just bumping with the TODO list.

What Needs To Be Done
  • Write a good readme file for the repository -- still needs a bit of refinement
  • Update the code in a way that won't need 2 branches for python2 and python3
  • Review the information on the pad http://titanpad.com/ricing. (Doesn't need programming knowledge)
  • Help cleaning the frontend code (Kivy)
  • Add comments to the code (done to the backend, will need to be done to the frontend after cleaning)
  • Test/Debug the Program (Doesn't need programming knowledge)
  • Package the program (setup.py)
  • Choose a license
(28-09-2014, 01:13 AM)venam Wrote: 2 branches for python2 and python3

What's the plan here? Port it to python3?

(28-09-2014, 01:13 AM)venam Wrote: Package the program (setup.py)

What sort of things are wanted RE python packaging? Installing dependencies, setting up launcher, etc? I've only ever used bash for packaging so I'm curious as to how it works
I have a python3 branch on https://github.com/venam/ricer-helper someone was talking about a way to directly use python3 and python2 in the same script instead of using 2 branches, that's what I'm talking about.

I'm not sure about packaging. The main problem is where to keep the config files and change the scripts accordingly.
Is that having python2 and python3 in the same files, or having two versions of the python parts of the script in the repo?
(28-09-2014, 09:13 AM)Foggalong Wrote: Is that having python2 and python3 in the same files, or having two versions of the python parts of the script in the repo?
In the same file, yes.
Huh, interesting idea. I'll look into that.
I've updated the project status.
Here's a summary:

What Needs To Be Done
  • Update the readmes so they tell more about the program (like this thread)
  • Update the code in a way that won't need 2 branches for python2 and python3
  • Test/Debug the Program (Doesn't need programming knowledge)
  • Package the program -- the info.json file is now available from anywhere (setup.py)
  • Choose a license

In summary we need a license, which we'll discuss about, we need to package the project, which pizzaroll1 (kaashif-hymabaccus) was already working on but had problems keeping the unittest working and making the info.json available from everywhere (https://github.com/nixers-projects/ricerous/pull/8) which I solved in the last commit (https://github.com/nixers-projects/ricer...cbe485bb5c), we need a bit of refinement in the readme files which Foggalong already worked a lot on, and finally we need to find a way to unify the project so that it works for python3 (the include for urllib and other modules usage).
I guess we could just start a poll like you did for the name for the license?
(11-10-2014, 12:46 PM)Foggalong Wrote: I guess we could just start a poll like you did for the name for the license?

I added the poll.
I'm glad to say that I've been working on Ricerous today and got the installer working and the compatibility mode between python2 and python3.
Here's the new TODO list:

What Needs To Be Done
  • Update the readmes so they tell more about the program
  • Test/Debug the Program
  • Choose a license
  • Start to evangelize
Venam I am excited to test out this program. I am a ricing noob, but if there is anything I can do to help on the testing end please feel free to let me know!
So, GPL v2 or v3?
(22-10-2014, 04:03 PM)Foggalong Wrote: So, GPL v2 or v3?

Seems like we're going to use GPL. I'm not sure of the difference between the v2 and v3, maybe I should refer to this thread http://nixers.net/showthread.php?tid=1552.
Long time nixers
v3 is a lot longer than v2 and has a lot more stuff regarding patents, tivoization etc. I'm no expert, I just looked at StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41460...3-licenses. The most important points are the same from v2 to v3, as far as I can work out.

This is why we should have used the 2 clause BSD license, there are only 2 bullet points to read, it's so easy to understand! I still think it's unlikely anyone will try to steal our code and if they do, I doubt gpl-violations@gnu.org will care, since it's a small project.

The people have spoken, though. My vote is with GPLv3, since all that work Stallman and friends put into closing all the loopholes must have made the license better.
my website: kaashif.co.uk