The Meme'd Desktop - Desktop Customization & Workflow
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Hello fellow nixers,
In this thread we put forward the meme'd Unix desktop of the last years. Quote:Meme. The goal is to list the criteria that makes up the most "common" screenshotd Unix desktop on the internet and then, if we're able, automatically generate such desktops. |
background: solid color + anime character/nature/tiled something.
borders: either none or at least 4px colors: dark colorscheme, maybe go for base16 one? panel: "I got lemonbar to display a clock and workspaces then I stopped because it's minimal" gtk/icons: numix? |
Probably i3 with useless gaps.
Windows floating. A blurred background and a pic of the background not-blurred showing. A color script to show off. |
(26-11-2015, 07:51 PM)z3bra Wrote: [*]htopThis one seems pretty close except for ncmpcpp: |
Oh yeah I forogt about the powerline + useless vim file!
This is getting quite interesting.
Can we try to find screenshots that fit the descriptions? |
I'm not saying this thread is a circlejerk on the current trends of r/unixporn, but this thread is a circlejerk on the current trends of r/unixporn.
'Is a current circlejerk trend on /r/unixporn' is a current circlejerk trend on /r/unixporn. My list: -wmutils (it is cool, but it is also very hip and trendy and everything) -vim -irssi (I never understood why one needs more than ii) -window border ~4 pixels -no contrast between background color and window border color -rather dark |
I might have forgotten about it yeah. Anyhow, I guess the current tendency in terms of "edgy" desktops is to the flat themes ala windows 10 or google material designs. Simple shapes, flat designs and multi colors.
For "hackers": dark shades with a flashy color to contrast |