USB booting on older hardware. - Old school stuff

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Long time nixers
Hello guys, I am sure we all have that one machine that is like 13 years old and its a pain when we have to format the HDD and reinstall our OS and we have to do it with our CD drives.
Few weeks ago i found myself needing to do it but my DVD drive was dead as a post and i had no CDs to write too. So i plugged my HDD in to my dads and installed Debian on it and plugged it in to my other machine. Worked but not so well. It was slow and had graphics issues even after installing a new kernal. Anyways i found a way to make my machine boot from a Flash drive using something called plop and Grub. What this will do is put an entry on your boot loader and at boot select it and grub will forward you to your flash drive.

I cant remember exactly where on the site the linux section is. Hope some of you find this useful. Good day Nerdlings :)
Long time nixers
Nice post dude! Just a thing, you need to remove the dot at the need of your link.

Well done :)
Long time nixers
(27-05-2013, 07:17 AM)Jolia Wrote: Nice post dude! Just a thing, you need to remove the dot at the need of your link.

Well done :)

Thanks for pointing that out :) Hope this helps you out sometime in future :)
Long time nixers
Plop is handy, but it's just easier to use CDs like normal.

It's also nice to have an old computer that "just works" with disks, even if they're big by the standards of 1999. Too many a good old computer I have is ruined by CHS.