Unix screen-shots thread! - Desktop Customization & Workflow
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I'm back! Yay!
~Seraphim R.P.
the artistnixer formerly known as vypr formerly known as sticky |
my plain and boring desktop
Need to rice that up.
Sorry about the immature comment earlier. I will fix this setup more. Thanks for the watch.
Bigger View: <img>http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/158/6/3/pokefly_theme____dragonflybsd_3_8____openbox_by_ipodpunker-d7lh82i.png</img> Enjoy it you mother fuckers! OS: DragonFly BSD 3.8-Release WM: OpenBox - Lastest Panel: BMPanel2 GTK2: My Own Custom one mod from turquoise gtk2 Icons: Buuf 3.10 OpenBox Theme and BMPanel2 call PoKeFly is done by me. Wallpaper I have no idea who to give credit for that, but nice wallpaper :P |
Good screenshot
(08-06-2014, 12:54 PM)cyberpunkz Wrote: I know many people do not like me.. I do not care. I am not here to make friends. yrmt can go fsck himself lulz so can NeoTerra that stupid western canadian. not bad at all |
Nice screenshot, your the first person I seen use dragonflybsd before. |
First post!
arch / bspwm Yet to find an image I like enough to tweak my colours and take the background off random. Think I need to recompile bar to get my current colours in there. Temps are up there because I've been figuring out issues with my fan malfunctioning. Otherwise this is starting to feel a lot like home ♥ I thought maybe the forum auto hid images of a certain size. Tried to add what are apparently called "spoilers" but edit won't let me enter the human verify. I'll remember for next time. an append. nice. this forum♥. now if only there was more activity hehe |
Nice screenshot, I'll have a look at why the verify doesn't work.
Back to 2bwm!
Rate that shit! |
Hide that scrollbar!
![]() Tehehe |
That looks nice
the dock ruins the vibe though in my opinion
This one's for my OCD friends. Count the pixels, everything is spaced evenly and centered. Also trying out a nodejs app called <b>vtop</b>. It looks pretty cool, might be a new alternative to htop for me. First person to port it to C gets a cookie.
getting a little artsy...
wow, did you change the forum's theme to match your desktop configs ? :)
Oi! Oi! Emo cry babies @ Nixers!
Pekwm! Here is another box style WM not the popular bunch, but It can be rice too ;) The pekwm theme is done by: Maxim2, the rest is done by me :) Still needs more work though... bigger screenshot come visit my deviantart page @ ipodpunker.deviantart.com ThanX for the watch Mother Fuckers! RAZ0REDGE |
beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach
(18-06-2014, 05:07 PM)jmbi Wrote:(18-06-2014, 05:06 PM)berk Wrote: beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach Thanks! Wrote the colorscheme myself (not sure if it's going to suit your needs) but here goes: https://github.com/berkoz/truth |