Unix screen-shots thread! - Desktop Customization & Workflow
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here's a few ideas:
1.) lemonbar supports underline and overline. you can try and make some borders that way. 2.) try playing w/ the -d flag. maybe you can have your wm draw the borders for you 3.) add the bottom border effect to your wallpaper and fake it ;D |
This is my first actual post. I was hacking some colors and got this: http://i.imgur.com/ArRCvBB.png
It's great for my eyes when lights are off. |
(25-01-2016, 04:49 AM)Pr0Wolf29 Wrote: http://imgur.com/a/WYId4What's the name of that colorscheme, PukyGreen ? |
what do you guys think? |
fkn savage venam u really got him good
https://my.mixtape.moe/bwqgwb.png |
(26-01-2016, 11:23 AM)dsplayer14 Wrote: fkn savage venam u really got him goodhot |
(26-01-2016, 11:44 AM)neeasade Wrote:Quote:fkn savage venam u really got him goodhot If an AI can do better then you're no human. |
(26-01-2016, 12:33 PM)venam Wrote: If an AI can do better then you're no human.I'll have you know I'm offended you would imply I consider myself a human. I identify as a trans-squirrelkin grand maester, of the 32nd generation in a long proud line of animal folks. see that rice seed on the wall? that rice was given to me by my granpappy and if you don't see nothin with that you can just skidooddle right along |
(26-01-2016, 01:12 PM)neeasade Wrote:What the rice did you just ricing say about me, you little buntu? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Shell Scripting University, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret groups on telegram, and I have over 300 confirmed scripts. I am trained in starring obscure github repositories and I’m the top Go lover in the entire unixporn scene. You are nothing to me but just another arch user. I will wipe you the rice out with scrots the likes of which has never been seen before on this forum, mark my ricing unicode. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over IRC? Think again, ricer. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of 17 year old crux users across 4chan and rizon and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for bspwm configs, buntu. The dotfiles that wipe out the pathetic little thing you call your desktop. You’re ricing dead, buntu. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can rice you in over seven hundred colorschemes, and that’s just with my automatic colorscheme program. Not only am I extensively trained in bash, but I have access to the entire arsenal of iotek and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable rice off the face of the forum, you little buntu. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have not gone on the ArchWiki. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn buntu. I will shit Xresources all over you and you will drown in it. You’re ricing dead, buntu.(26-01-2016, 12:33 PM)venam Wrote: If an AI can do better then you're no human.I'll have you know I'm offended you would imply I consider myself a human. I identify as a trans-squirrelkin grand maester, of the 32nd generation in a long proud line of animal folks. see that rice seed on the wall? that rice was given to me by my granpappy and if you don't see nothin with that you can just skidooddle right along |
(26-01-2016, 01:25 PM)dsplayer14 Wrote: What the rice did you just ricing say about me, you little buntu? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Shell Scripting University, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret groups on telegram, and I have over 300 confirmed scripts. I am trained in starring obscure github repositories and I’m the top Go lover in the entire unixporn scene. You are nothing to me but just another arch user. I will wipe you the rice out with scrots the likes of which has never been seen before on this forum, mark my ricing unicode. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over IRC? Think again, ricer. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of 17 year old crux users across 4chan and rizon and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for bspwm configs, buntu. The dotfiles that wipe out the pathetic little thing you call your desktop. You’re ricing dead, buntu. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can rice you in over seven hundred colorschemes, and that’s just with my automatic colorscheme program. Not only am I extensively trained in bash, but I have access to the entire arsenal of iotek and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable rice off the face of the forum, you little buntu. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have not gone on the ArchWiki. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn buntu. I will shit Xresources all over you and you will drown in it. You’re ricing dead, buntu. If an AI can do better then you're no human. |
(26-01-2016, 01:25 PM)dsplayer14 Wrote:Damn, I knew dsplayer14 would jump on this...Quote:What the rice did you just ricing say about me, you little buntu? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Shell Scripting University, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret groups on telegram, and I have over 300 confirmed scripts. I am trained in starring obscure github repositories and I’m the top Go lover in the entire unixporn scene. You are nothing to me but just another arch user. I will wipe you the rice out with scrots the likes of which has never been seen before on this forum, mark my ricing unicode. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over IRC? Think again, ricer. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of 17 year old crux users across 4chan and rizon and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for bspwm configs, buntu. The dotfiles that wipe out the pathetic little thing you call your desktop. You’re ricing dead, buntu. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can rice you in over seven hundred colorschemes, and that’s just with my automatic colorscheme program. Not only am I extensively trained in bash, but I have access to the entire arsenal of iotek and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable rice off the face of the forum, you little buntu. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have not gone on the ArchWiki. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn buntu. I will shit Xresources all over you and you will drown in it. You’re ricing dead, buntu.Quote:If an AI can do better then you're no human.I'll have you know I'm offended you would imply I consider myself a human. I identify as a trans-squirrelkin grand maester, of the 32nd generation in a long proud line of animal folks. see that rice seed on the wall? that rice was given to me by my granpappy and if you don't see nothin with that you can just skidooddle right along |
(25-01-2016, 05:27 AM)venam Wrote:I call it "berries and lime".(25-01-2016, 04:49 AM)Pr0Wolf29 Wrote: http://imgur.com/a/WYId4What's the name of that colorscheme, PukyGreen ? |
/dev/sdc1 0% 700G /dev/sdb1 0% 2.7T /dev/sdf1 28% 660G /dev/sde1 93% 2.7T First, where did you find so much space, and then, what do you do with it? I have two 1Tib disk lying on my desk, and I barely can fill my 160Gib internal drive! |
(27-01-2016, 09:32 AM)z3bra Wrote: where did you find so much space amazon / a few 3TB drives on sale (27-01-2016, 09:32 AM)z3bra Wrote: what do you do with it https://xkcd.com/1360/ |
(27-01-2016, 01:27 AM)neeasade Wrote: all I want in my life is warm finally went triple vertical i see. very nice. |
(27-01-2016, 04:44 PM)xero Wrote: finally hey now, I used to do this kinda thing. http://imgur.com/a/3ECXq |
(28-01-2016, 02:38 PM)vain Wrote: Moar bevel. katriawm + bevelbar.oldschoolasfuk bro we takin it back to 1987 u kno what im sayin we takin it back before Xorg we takin it back before XFree86 i aint got no time for you smooth lookin ass window managers i want my god damn motif lookin borders back when desktops were desktops and workstations were workstations back when HP-UX fought against AIX and AIX fought against XENIX and XENIX fought against QNX we dont have no time for petty distro wars we workin with the big boys now were workin with the industrial grade UNIX Bell Labs and their simplicity can suck a dick we got windowing systems up in this bitch u know what im sayin we breaking borders GIVE THEM A REASON TO MAKE PLAN 9 GIVE THEM A REASON I DOUBLE DOG DARE YA I DOUBLE DOG DARE YA |
(28-01-2016, 05:02 PM)dsplayer14 Wrote:(28-01-2016, 02:38 PM)vain Wrote: Moar bevel. katriawm + bevelbar.oldschoolasfuk bro we takin it back to 1987 u kno what im sayin we takin it back before Xorg we takin it back before XFree86 i aint got no time for you smooth lookin ass window managers i want my god damn motif lookin borders back when desktops were desktops and workstations were workstations back when HP-UX fought against AIX and AIX fought against XENIX and XENIX fought against QNX we dont have no time for petty distro wars we workin with the big boys now were workin with the industrial grade UNIX Bell Labs and their simplicity can suck a dick we got windowing systems up in this bitch u know what im sayin we breaking borders To Kill An Adam |
been playing around for the last few days with minor refinements all around |
That adam guy understands me ... I think. %)
(To be honest: Once I've got a solid idea of how to solve a problem, I often find it easier to write a program on my own than to patch an existing one. Don't you think? I could have patched lemonbar, but this would have required me to first fully understand lemonbar itself. Reading and understanding code written by other people can be hard [although it's usually very educational]. Also, from my experience, you usually can't just add some lines of code and be done with it. Often times, there will be nasty corner cases and stuff you didn't think of. So, writing my own bar was kind of "the easy way out". And, needless to say, it's more fun.) |
oops i did it again
Especially boring.