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I’ve read that Twitter will roll out a new API soon. I will have to rewrite my Twitter client, my low-resource tweet viewer and my data collection project. Eek.
-- <mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen |
A dialog alternative.
It's a project I have since... long. I got some PoCs, now I'm working on the tooling I need. My idea is to write a declarative DSL to manipulate exactly 2 types of elements: nodes and leaves. Nodes would be groups of nodes or (inclusive) leaves, and leaves would be the "widgets". My current thinking is that they can actually be described without using the usual inheritance/derivation hell that can be found in toolkits I've played with, one just need to define a number of rules to describe which values the content should accept. That language would be spoken on stdin and stdout, of course, and if asked to not expect a client, the rendering would be a fdisk-like menu interface. Otherwise, clients could connect to that server, maybe spawned by the server itself, to do the rendering. This is a tool I need in order to achieve other bigger projects, aka build my own distro. This tool would allow me to use shell scripts to build system tools that could be usable with: ssh, TTY, X11, framebuffer... and, yes, I suppose wayland too. I really started to think on this when I wrote a tiny shell script allowing to manage runit daemons, and noticed that a lot of the complexity directly comes from dialog itself. Here is the script, that I place on CC-0 license (no, I don't think I've published it): Code: #!/bin/sh It's not my first dialog script, either. This project I work on because I am really tired of that crapiness. |
I'm not doing any coding right now, but I am doing some reading on constraints and "little languages" for layout.
http://hcil2.cs.umd.edu/trs/98-13/dissertation.html http://www.layx.org/ What I have in mind is creating a small declarative language for user interfaces, with special attention to ncurses- or other textmode programs. A related project has been to explore a design approach that composes ncurses programs using hierarchical state machines driven by libev's event pump. This is something that got started when I forked Tobias Rapp's mcplay, which is a rewrite in C of the old cplay frontend for mpg123/ogg123. Initially, I only intended to add some UI features like displaying info from the ID3 tags. But mcplay is itself very old now and uses glib-1.2, which I consider an abomination. Last year my forked program began crashing somewhere deep in the bowels of glib and was a royal pain to debug. So I cut the Gordion Knot and began replacing the glib stuff with my own code for linked lists and libev for the event loop. Eventually I grew frustrated with some of the convoluted structure inherited from mcplay and decided to redo the whole thing from scratch. I finished my rewrite earlier this year and have been thinking about ways to do it even better... Still too many global variables and impure functions, for example. Thinking about those flaws is what has me thinking about data structures for layout and "immediate mode user interfaces". Sorry, I don't yet have my "ncplay" code in an Internet-accessible repository, but will happily email a copy to anyone who would like to take a look at it. Just send me a private message here on nixers. I'll welcome any pointers to other resources related to declarative approaches to user interface layout. |
Here's a screenshot of the current iteration of ncplay
https://pasteboard.co/JmR865s.png This is running in an st terminal under spectrwm and MX Linux. Mononoki font. The file selection pane on the left is toggle-able. The currently-playing song is shown with green text in the playlist pane, while the gray bar is the current cursor position. Songs can be marked for deletion or movement within the playlist, which can be sorted by pathname, title, artist, album, or a genre column which is not shown here. Random shuffle is also supported. The number of playlist columns shown can be changed using a command which removes the rightmost column; if only the titles are currently shown, repeating the command replaces them with the filepaths, and then back to showing them all (including the genre field). This probably isn't the most intuitive UI design, but it works well enough for now. If the "stop after current song" command is active, it will be indicated by a red square just to the left of the timer in the lower right corner. Infinite looping of the playlist is indicated by a yellow square to the right of the timer. The blank line underneath the progressbar and filepath is reserved for a vi-style commandline interface which is not yet implemented. (Currently all commands are single keystrokes.) 469K, statically linked and stripped when using musl libc, ncursesw, libev, and libid3tag. I need to do some analysis to see if I can get that smaller. As you can see, it no long bears much resemblance to the version of mcplay I started with! |
(17-08-2020, 10:03 PM)freem Wrote:(17-08-2020, 03:16 PM)ckester Wrote: I I'll keep you in mind if I ever get beyond the info-gathering stage. My main interest at this point is in data structures that can be used to generate an immediate-mode UI after being updated by pure functions in response to input events. As indicated above, this interest is mostly the result of a postmortem analysis of what I see as the flaws remaining in the current iteration of ncplay, which has become one of my main playgrounds for exploring ways to structure programs. (I'm sticking with textmode programs partly because they avoid many of the complexities of GUI apps, but mainly because they appeal to my old fart sense of aesthetics. Dittos for C. But there are some ideas from the GUI or web programming world and other programming language communities that I think might be interesting to bring over into the text-based C programming world.) Some more links re declarative UIs: https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/flu...eclarative https://www.wearemobilefirst.com/blog/sw...rogramming https://hackage.haskell.org/package/grapefruit-ui Note that most discussions of declarative UIs are in the context of a framework, where once the application developer has declared the UI the framework takes care of implementing and updating it. I.e., the interest is in it mostly as a labor-saving device. My interest in different: I see it as a way to structure programs in a more functional style and I'm interested to see if this results in cleaner, more maintainable code. I'm pursuing elegance --- not labor-avoidance (which I suspect really means more bloat under the hood or behind the scenes.) |
Inspired by wmutils I'm working on some window management utilities that operate on EWMH, I call them ewmhutils. They are a collection of scripts that use wmctrl(1) and xprop(1) to do some EWMH manipulations, such as pcd(1): print current desktop/workspace number, ndesks(1): print number of desktops, wstat(1): print window state (whether it is hidden, maximized, fullscreen, etc).
I'll probably convert those scripts to C. I have already converted to C the one that change workspace focus, because the script was too slow. I'll probably post it in github soon. I'm also working on changemon(1), a wm-agnostic utility that uses Xinerama to change the focused monitor. For example: Code: $ changemon right # focus monitor on the right of current one And also, I'm working on shod(1), my EWMH-compliant window manager. shod(1) is the project I'm less proud of, because of the number of bugs it has. I use shod as my daily wm, however. |
(18-08-2020, 12:08 AM)phillbush Wrote: I'll probably convert those scripts to C. Check out my WM: glazier. It uses a standalone tool named ewmh(1) to offload EWMH stuff from the WM. The code is (IMO) relatively simple and easy to read. This way you can have a clean WM doing only what it should, and implement only the subset of EWMH you need ! That could also help you get familiar with handling EWMH properties in C (note that I do not use xcb/xcb_ewmh.h for it, but plain old Atoms directly, so one less dependency, yeeha!) |
(18-08-2020, 02:30 AM)venam Wrote: Maybe it's better to call it a wmctrl clone.Hehe. I wrote it mostly to understand X Atom and property handling. So it's more an exercise for me than an utility for others to use, so that justify reinventing the wheel. As is shod(1), an exercise for me to better understand X event handling and window management. The only utility that I wrote for others to use is changemon, which I think there is nothing like it yet. (18-08-2020, 05:12 AM)z3bra Wrote: Check out my WM: glazier. It uses a standalone tool named ewmh(1) to offload EWMH stuff from the WM. The code is (IMO) relatively simple and easy to read.I have already checked ewmh(1) and glazier(1)! I think that it is a harder work to separate both utilities, as most of ewmh hints need the wm to keep track of some client states and configuration. But you have done this harder work in an elegant way. Do you think in add other _NET_WM_STATEs other than _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN? I think that _NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_* could be implemented the same way as _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN, with properties keeping track of the unmaximized window size. And _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN could be implemented with a property containing a list of hidden windows. |
From what it's worth, EWMH hints are always set on a window, meaning that the current state doesn't have to be tracked in memory by the WM. What is nit tracked though is the previous state (eg. when going fullscreen), so you need a way to save it. Most WM keep an in-memory map of all windows with their attributes, but this seems redundant to me. I prefer defining my own set of atoms, and save the states here. The advantage of this method is that your WM is stateless, so more robust to restart/crash/... Another advantage is composability, beause you expose it for external tools to use, meaning that tools like wmutils can make use of this atoms to do whatever they want.
Being stateless was my first objective when writing glazier, as I wanted a WM that's fully compatible with wmutils, and extensible by it. As for your question about EWMH atoms, why not ? I though I was the only one using it, so I only bothered implementing my needs. I'd totally accept patches ! |
(17-08-2020, 08:58 PM)ckester Wrote: 469K, statically linked and stripped when using musl libc, ncursesw, libev, and libid3tag. I need to do some analysis to see if I can get that smaller. After tweaking the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS used to build the libs and ncplay itself, I've got it down to 329K. I'm still looking into using netbsd-curses instead of ncurses, but hit a snag trying to compile it with musl libc. I know the sabotage linux folks have it working with musl, so I know this is solvable. I just need to take some time to figure it out. |
I rewrote one of my Twitter bots in Rust (it was my last active Python project - finally I can uninstall it on that server!) because it was intriguing to do something with Rust and the Python installation was broken again.
Now I feel the sudden urge to hold a lecture about why Rust is a horrible language and nobody should ever use it. Arguably, it is a very fast language, but the syntax hurts my brain. -- <mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen |
(22-10-2020, 09:51 AM)jkl Wrote: I rewrote one of my Twitter bots in Rust (it was my last active Python project - finally I can uninstall it on that server!) because it was intriguing to do something with Rust and the Python installation was broken again. I'd suggest you check out Zig. It's like a more modern C, if you like those kind of low-level fast languages. Some of the syntax is inspired by Rust, but it looks so much nicer imo. |
Go is a more modern C, and I like it. :-)
Despite the performance difference. -- <mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen |
a few months ago I wrote a bunch of color utilities for working in various colorspaces in emacs. I was exploring different ideas, and sort of left a bunch of sexp's all over the place. Now I'm cleaning up the helpers I created during that time so that they all have a consistent interface. I'm also trying to distill a blog post out of the link reading I did at the time. This is a list of references I mostly went through:
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELAB_color_space ;; LAB only: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_i...lluminants ;; https://peteroupc.github.io/colorgen.html ;; http://colorizer.org/ ;; https://github.com/yurikhan/yk-color/blo...k-color.el ;; https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#relativeluminancedef ;; emacs shipped color.el |
I'm playing with The One True Awk™ to make some scripts.
The first one is a testbench generator for verilog modules. This isn't very UNIXy, but it's something I was needing for my CPU Architecture classes and couldn't find one that suited my needs (I found one written in Python, but the generator wasn't very smart and only covered a small subset of what I wanted), so I wrote one myself. And also a manpage to markdown converter. I wrote this to post the manpages I wrote for my programs in the github wiki page. AWK is indeed a extremelly useful application. Books on AWK are on my reading queue. Both scripts are public domain and written in POSIX AWK. |
This week I wrote a little program to convert BDF fonts into FIGfonts, the font format that figlet uses. Half way through making it, I discovered in the depths of github a pre-existing perl script with an identical name (bdf2flf) that does the exact same thing, but I marched on anyway for the C practice.
It lets me print things like this in any cool bitmap font: Code: ██ |
(29-10-2020, 05:27 PM)mcol Wrote: This week I wrote a little program to convert BDF fonts into FIGfontsNeato! How flexible is figlet, actually? Would it be possible to do “square” pixels? |
(30-10-2020, 01:28 PM)vain Wrote: Would it be possible to do “square” pixels? For sure. I actually initially planned to add a '--small' option to the converter to use "▀", "▄" and "█" but decided I'd wait until I actually need it (maybe a bored afternoon project). The block I printed above is also "square pixels", just using the whole-block character ("█") for the foreground. This is equivalent to the first example in your post that uses just spaces, except this of course uses a foreground colour rather than background colour. Figlet fonts just store a 2D array of characters (like the 6 above for the chars in 'nixers') for all of the characters in the font, so pretty much any characters can be included in them. |
Trying to turn mbox files into clean html with python. Code is still pretty messy, but the design is starting to look okay I think..
![]() Not sure if I'm going to finish this, but recommendations are welcome. For example, maybe quoted text should be colored slightly differently? |
Recently I haven't been working on a programming project but a bunch of research projects.
I've been digging into the audio stack on Unix, particularly trying to understand the need for audio servers. I've also been reading a book about operating system concepts and mapping the stuff I read in the book with real scenarios, so maybe I'll write something about that. |
The setup that is my blog has gotten away from me a little -- I'm going to try a combination of templating and org-static-blog as a reset -- I've also got some mild styling changes in mind.
I've got some ideas for my color library https://github.com/neeasade/color-tools.el/issues/5 I'm trying to re-mount my emacs config onto the doom emacs distribution with some keyboard layout rotations |
I'm sharing some of my old notes on Xlib programming, and writing new ones: https://github.com/phillbush/xnotes
There are more new notes than older ones, and some of the sample programs I had written do not have notes with them. I hope they can help people new to X11 programming. |
Mostly: https://github.com/iheanyi/bandcamp-dl
Its been my backburner project since 2016, a rewrite here, a few updates there to keep it working when Bandcamp made changes, and a few new features thrown in along the way has kept me busy when I felt the itch to code. Going through another rewrite now because I just can't help myself and my coding style + standard Python features has changed since. Id like to drop the BeautifulSoup dependency entirely and use straight LXML, I know I can, just haven't done it. That and clean up my Mutagen code. Besides that just installed a nix distro for the first time again in recent years and I'm already digging into my old dotfiles trying to get everything back the way I like it, likely rewriting some stuff I did in Bash in Python like my lemonbar panel script for HLWM (My preferred WM of choice) |
(18-01-2021, 11:47 PM)phillbush Wrote: I'm sharing some of my old notes on Xlib programming, and writing new ones: https://github.com/phillbush/xnotes This looks great! Gonna check it out if I ever need a front-end. |
(19-01-2021, 12:41 AM)Evolution Wrote: Mostly: https://github.com/iheanyi/bandcamp-dl Ah, the world is small. And you even have one of those CoCs. I had to switch to Campdown on Windows because Bandcamp-DL broke with the update to Python 3.9. Sigh. -- <mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen |
(19-01-2021, 07:12 AM)jkl Wrote:(19-01-2021, 12:41 AM)Evolution Wrote: Mostly: https://github.com/iheanyi/bandcamp-dl Bandcamp themselves actually broke it with a change to their site. I was on hiatus for a while and I rarely get PRs so when something breaks it was pretty much dead till I came back. Everything is working again though, just use 0.0.10 (pip upgradeable) or 1.0.0-dev-r1 (if you use --artist --track --album args) I added the ability to further format filenames and do things like convert non-ascii to ascii (北京 -> beijng), retain case, retain spaces, and choose what character is used as a space replacement. Album cover quality also went up massively. |
pip upgrade rarely works well on at least some of my systems, especially those not using a system-provided Python installation. Python is a mess, honestly...
-- <mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen |
(22-01-2021, 06:57 PM)jkl Wrote: pip upgrade rarely works well on at least some of my systems, especially those not using a system-provided Python installation. Python is a mess, honestly... Yeah its a trip how its easier to manage on Windows. I just install whatever the latest is as my primary for the system and all my development is done in Pycharm which has a beautiful interface for managing venvs. So I can develop and test on multiple versions all with their own specific version and collection of installed packages without ever effecting my primary installation. |