What do your usernames mean? - Community & Forums Related Discussions

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Long time nixers
Well...I am the head of the Unix Mafia. We should all know this.
Pieces Of Quiet
One of my favourite songs, from this album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agWDggjI0Pw
Long time nixers
(24-08-2016, 03:36 PM)Mafia Wrote: Well...I am the head of the Unix Mafia. We should all know this.

Steve Jobs sleeps with the fishes.
Mine is just null really, I could never stick with a name...so nothing. It used to be xeNULL and because of how common null is in programming and around the interwebs I added an x for u. It is mostly read as nixel which I thought sounded cool (nix,pixel).
Long time nixers
Your avatar image is really cool, matches your username.
(13-10-2016, 02:12 PM)pranomostro Wrote: Your avatar image is really cool, matches your username.

Thanks I made it a few months ago :)
Mine's pretty obvious in meaning, a half-wit is a synonym for an idiot. I chose it when playing WoW back in BC, on the heels of having far-too-serious of a time in my life. The self-deprecation led to what felt to be a more approachable persona, and definitely helped to break the ice more than once. There's also been people that have written me off at the outset from the name alone - but I consider that a benefit :p
I'm lazy. It's my name without the 'a' and 'i'.
It was my nickname in college, a portmanteau of my first and last name
Some years ago I was in need for a new email address and just about to start at university. The plan was to study math, so I thought of ti-goes-numb3rs (where ti refers to my name). Anyways math didn't work out but somehow the nick sticked around with me.

Only recently it occurred to me that in good old Tom Riddle style I might be able to assume a new nick..

genius mobst3r</center>
Long time nixers
(16-06-2016, 03:59 PM)pranomostro Wrote: I was always interested how people get to choose their internet pseudonyms.

I guess here is the right place to ask (I don't want to got to /r/AskReddit, thanks).

Even with the answer, it took me a lot of time to understand what @pranomostro's avatar was meaning.

Wait, maybe pranomostro wants to keep this a mystery...
Did you really wonder whether you want to know?
Ok, I do not like to get in your way like that, but better make sure you are ready, right?
Moreover, this is like a secret to be revealed, exciting news to be announced...
If you are annoyed, just go check the source, there is nice ASCII art in there!
[edit] removed a lot of spoilers
Back in the day, playing Quake and all those other games at LANs, I cracked a lame joke about coming back like Lazarus after getting fragged... the name stuck for whatever reason, been using it a really long time. The Roman Numeral IV is because 1) Lazarus was always taken at any website or forum and 2) I'm the fourth of four siblings.

Very fascinating video on P = NP, I enjoyed it! :pushes glasses up:

I'm also not really a psionic knight... I just wish I were.
Long time nixers
If you find out what my avatar means, tell me.

I just googled halting problem and took the first image because it looked cool.

sshbio, on the other hand, has a nice little spider.
biology and stuff, animals.
Long time nixers
(24-10-2016, 05:23 PM)pranomostro Wrote: If you find out what my avatar means, tell me.

I can't, but maybe he can.
Long time nixers
Its an anagram of my first and last name. Short and simple :D
When I was four my parents gave me my first personal computer: a Commodore 64. I remember playing Basket Master, Barbarian, Hades Nebula and so many other games with my father. I remember the happiness when we finished a sample program from the user's manual which make an ASCII ball character to bounce when hit the edges of the screen... It was then when I decided what I want to do in life. That's why I'm here now and, surely, that computer started to make me being the man I am nowadays.

The C64 has one chip called KERNAL, where the OS was hosted. Robert Russell, the leader of the development of several parts of the system, misspelled the word KERNEL in a book I think... I can't recall tight now. I love japanese culture, so I decided to adopt the name KERNAL as a japanese person would pronounce it but transliterated to romaji.

KERNAL -> kerunaru
Long time nixers
(...censored...) and (...censored...)
xcko is just a funny spelling of "echo". I needed a new name so dumped a bunch of four character names from dev/random and found one I liked. Thankfully, it's never taken on any service I sign up for.
Grey Hair Nixers
mine used to be "w3sc_willy" on quake live, but it was too long to type and didn't look great. Some day I decided to buy a premium account, but as I'd pay for it, should look great. That day I decided that my prefered animal would be the zebra (it still is!), and back in the day it was cool to replace "e" with "3".

Nah I'm kidding, that's my real name!
Long time nixers
my initials are rc so i chose to go with words representing that. robots are cool, my mind is chaotic
it's food, try search it "soto + koya" or "soto koya", so yeah, why not join it together.
Long time nixers
I like pirates, I have a beard, and "Super King Big Nuts" is always too lengthy.

Opted to replace 'i' with 'y' because it was a common spelling in the 16th and 17th centuries, and it is always available!

I could do with a shot of rum right now.
just my first name and surname consonants.
It's actually a semi-funny story. TL;DR: It was given to me.

The story goes like this:
I love Star Wars, and always thought the Sith were way more interesting than the Jedi. Villains in general are more interesting than the heros who take them down (purely because most authors lack the imagination to write a villain who wins!). As a young teenager I had delusions of grandeur and had begun writing a book, the main character's name was "Lukan", the kind of villain I had always wanted to see in movies, ruthless and a total badass, like a cross between Hannibal Lecter and Darth Sidious. I had shared some short stories from the still in-progress book with a few of my fellow soldiers who were interested in reading something different to pass the time when we weren't out on missions. One day, we were all having an especially bad day and I was taking a few things pretty hard when someone had the bright idea to try to see how far I could be pushed. Lots of shouting and some fisticuffs later, our commander came out and asked what happened. One of my fellow soldiers described the situation leading up to the fight and described what I did as "...he went all 'Darth Lukan' on <insert name of soldier here>..." After that, everybody referred to me as "Darth Lukan", to the point where the commander had my official radio call-sign changed and the name followed me home. My wife even sometimes uses it as a term of endearment.

I keep using it because it was essentially given to me by a soldier whom I respected a lot and counted as a close friend, and every time I see it or hear it, I'm reminded to not let someone else control my "calm". Luckily, I've never encountered a service where someone already had taken the name, so far as I know, I'm the only "Darth Lukan" on the internet (not that I deviate from certain areas very often or anything). So, yeah, that's it.
Long time nixers
I choose to identify as Hades, the Greek God of the Underwold online. "Hades" is one letter off from my real name, Haden.
Catch-22 is one of my favorite books.

Quote:Yossarian…it was an odious, alien, distasteful name, a name that just did not inspire confidence. It was not at all like such clean, crisp, honest, American names as Cathcart, Peckem and Dreedle.
I chose my name based on my hatred for bloatware and the ever increasing size of computer programs. Computers used to be limited by memory, and programs were fast and lean. Now programmers are lazy because they have plenty of memory. I would prefer to get back to more simple programs that did one function correctly and as efficiently as possible.

Thus 1byte. Commercial coders should take a page from the demoscene kids.
*ibi sum*, i am here ..
Long time nixers
gmk is a shortening of my real username, "geremachek". I like using geremachek because it is my actual middle name, also it is always available as it is made up and means nothing.
(05-05-2020, 12:21 PM)gmk Wrote: I like using geremachek because it is my actual middle name, also it is always available as it is made up and means nothing.
A truly randomly generated name, I love the idea, you're lucky!