What email service provider do you use? - Security & Cryptography

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Currently I am using OpenMailbox and Tutanota, both are great. Tutanota is a lot more secure than OpenMailbox. Both are free, although Tutanota has a paid option.

Anyways what email service provider do you use and why?
I'm using the iotek mail.
It's hosted in Norway, owned by us, managed by us, secured by us.
Never went down since we started it (3-4 years of uptime).

I had a bad history of jumping from one mail service provider to another and loosing all my stuffs in the process.
I stopped trusting other people with my mails. Even though we are in 2015 and some evangelists say that emails are gonna die I still think that emails play an extremely important role in my life.
Grey Hair Nixers
Using mailoo.org, a french mail providers, hosted in France by frenchies (PATRIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS!). They are reliable and seem conscious about privacy.
I've been wanting to run my own server though, but I won't before I own a VPS. My home server is just noit reliable enough.
Long time nixers
I have accounts with Gmail, Yahoo, & Hotmail. (All free to use.)
I run my own, it's not too tricky :)
Grey Hair Nixers
Which server do you use?
Long time nixers
(09-06-2015, 03:49 AM)venam Wrote: I'm using the iotek mail.
It's hosted in Norway, owned by us, managed by us, secured by us.
Never went down since we started it (3-4 years of uptime).

I had a bad history of jumping from one mail service provider to another and loosing all my stuffs in the process.
I stopped trusting other people with my mails. Even though we are in 2015 and some evangelists say that emails are gonna die I still think that emails play an extremely important role in my life.

I've been looking to move away from Gmail for a while, I don't like my username and I don't want Google in my emails, is this an option?
Is iotek mail available to anyone?
Long time nixers
I use FastMail: https://www.fastmail.com/
Or a referral link if you want: http://www.fastmail.com/?STKI=13676221

Been using them since the start of this year. WAY faster than Gmail, not free.

Their servers are based on Australia, so they answer to Australia courts, not US courts.
Eduan / greduan
Long time nixers
I'm trying to self host right now. Using Mail-in-a-box but I'm running into errors. Just my luck I guess. I use a gmail account for people I know, however I use cock.li for some public emails. The provider is somewhat satrical, but I'm not using it for job applications or college purposes so whatever :).
Long time nixers
(11-06-2015, 02:00 PM)greduan Wrote: they answer to Australia courts

Australia is one of the Five Eyes, silly goose.

As for me, I have thevypr.com using Outlook's servers, and elliottpardee.me, redpanduh.com use an email server through Namecheap.
~Seraphim R.P.
the artistnixer formerly known as vypr formerly known as sticky