Poll: IRC client
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irssi 27 60.00%
weechat 12 26.67%
bitchx 0 0%
sic 0 0%
ircfs 0 0%
xchat 2 4.44%
other 4 8.89%
Total 45 vote(s) 100%
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Which IRC client do you use? - Off topic

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I've been thinking of a project lately, where every irc query between two users is encrypted using a public key.
The general idea is that this way, even someone intercepts the message, it'll be rendered useless.

This is superior to traditional key exchange, since it eliminates the problem of user genuinity at KeyX initalization.

The main problem would be, among unixhub's users, there isn't much uniform when it comes to IRC clients, so I made this poll to get a fair idea of which clients are in use.

(since this is unixhub, I've choosen to omit GUI irc clients)

edit: I realized some people use xchat
By "irc query between two users" do you mean private chat?
Yes. --------------
Grey Hair Nixers
(mostly) irssi user here. A client is missing in the list: ii :)
I use it sometimes when I need to quicly connect to a single chan. I use ptii (core) as a frontend. the whole script is browsable here.

It might be easy to add encryption to this :)
Long time nixers
Yeah, I tryed ii a few months ago. Very nice, but unusable for normal irc-sesstions. Last time I'd used it, because I was too lazy to set up irssi. I left irssi for 2 months because theming it was a nightmare :D.

ii rocks.
SpongeboZZ; Bikini Bottom Mafia/
You're cock-sucker, bitch/ silence while godfathers speech/
yeah/ da plancton in muh blunt/ gangster squarepants witha gun/
Sponge iz the bozz in da buiz/ you're creating silly trash/
i'm creating hollywood shit/
Grey Hair Nixers
As a stand-alone, it's a pain in the neck, yeah:
echo 'Hi everybody !' > \#unixhub/in; tail \#unixhub/out

But within a good script with some small tools, it becomes really usable, check out this shot.
It's tmux with ii + tail -f + ptii.

And yeah. ii rocks.
Long time nixers
I use Xchat occasionally, same with irssi, but lately have gone back to weechat.
Long time nixers
z3bra Wrote:But within a good script with some small tools[…]

I used it with $SHELL functions. Looks like this:

[Image: HMeef9k.png]
SpongeboZZ; Bikini Bottom Mafia/
You're cock-sucker, bitch/ silence while godfathers speech/
yeah/ da plancton in muh blunt/ gangster squarepants witha gun/
Sponge iz the bozz in da buiz/ you're creating silly trash/
i'm creating hollywood shit/
Grey Hair Nixers
Could you develop ? What do you call a $SHELL function ? Seems interesting :D
Long time nixers
Well, it isn't very nice.

function chan() {
export Serv "$1"
export CHAN "$2"

function join() {
echo "/j $CHAN > $HOME/irc/$Serv/in

function send() {
echo "$1" > $HOME/irc/$Serv/$CHAN/in

After this I use simply two terms. One term for send() and another one to run
while :; do; cat $HOME/irc/$Serv/$CHAN/out; sleep 1; done

Very dirty as you see :D
But that was the first way appeared in my fabulous mind :P.
SpongeboZZ; Bikini Bottom Mafia/
You're cock-sucker, bitch/ silence while godfathers speech/
yeah/ da plancton in muh blunt/ gangster squarepants witha gun/
Sponge iz the bozz in da buiz/ you're creating silly trash/
i'm creating hollywood shit/
Grey Hair Nixers
Oh okay, I though it was a kind of magic that can occur by tweaking the $SHELL ^^

I actually wrote a tool (ptti, see above) that get text from the user, and write it to a fifo named 'in' in the current directory. So I get an interactive prompt to write message (prepending everything with 'send' or 'echo' can be painfull...).

I also improved it to navigate between multiple fifo, but it's still quite buggy.
Long time nixers
Yeah I have downloaded it a few minutes ago, I like to get Software like this in C. But doing evrything with echo is faster created and not so bad, if it is in the $SHELLrc imo.

Of course, your ptii is quiet better.
SpongeboZZ; Bikini Bottom Mafia/
You're cock-sucker, bitch/ silence while godfathers speech/
yeah/ da plancton in muh blunt/ gangster squarepants witha gun/
Sponge iz the bozz in da buiz/ you're creating silly trash/
i'm creating hollywood shit/
can't rice xchat
Long time nixers

Tryed out ptii now. It. Is. Awesome.
SpongeboZZ; Bikini Bottom Mafia/
You're cock-sucker, bitch/ silence while godfathers speech/
yeah/ da plancton in muh blunt/ gangster squarepants witha gun/
Sponge iz the bozz in da buiz/ you're creating silly trash/
i'm creating hollywood shit/
Grey Hair Nixers
Glad you like it :D

Are you trying the dumb one ? Or the multi-chan ?
Long time nixers
Multi-Channel Mode, for sure :)

You wrote in the README, that you want to support multi-Server structure with ptii. That would be amazing.
I've tryed the gitorious version first and after that I used the AUR Package; why you don't let 'make' install it to /usr/bin ?
SpongeboZZ; Bikini Bottom Mafia/
You're cock-sucker, bitch/ silence while godfathers speech/
yeah/ da plancton in muh blunt/ gangster squarepants witha gun/
Sponge iz the bozz in da buiz/ you're creating silly trash/
i'm creating hollywood shit/
Grey Hair Nixers
I'm not sure how to implement this. Managing it like the channel would mean that you'd have to do somthing like /s <server> then /co <channel>. Which isn't that practical. I'll fix the whole stuff vefore thinking about that =)

For the installation, I don't really understand what you're poiting out. Isn't the makefile installing it to /usr/bin/ by default ?
Long time nixers
The gitorious-version can't exec `make install`.
SpongeboZZ; Bikini Bottom Mafia/
You're cock-sucker, bitch/ silence while godfathers speech/
yeah/ da plancton in muh blunt/ gangster squarepants witha gun/
Sponge iz the bozz in da buiz/ you're creating silly trash/
i'm creating hollywood shit/
Grey Hair Nixers
»  cd ptii                                                                  cosette:~/src/c  
LICENSE  Makefile  ptii.c  README

»  make                                                                cosette:~/src/c/ptii  
CC ptii.c
LD ptii.o -o ptii

»  sudo make install                                                   cosette:~/src/c/ptii  
>> z3bra:
install -D -m755 ptii /usr/bin/ptii
install -D -m644 README /usr/share/doc/README

»  which ptii                                                          cosette:~/src/c/ptii  

Would you post your problem please ? I can't reproduce the bug myself :/
weechat - I was using quassel before, but it's braindead when it comes to efficiency. It stores the entire backlog of all chats in a sqlite database, and scans the whole damned table on client connections, even if you're interested in only the last 50 lines of backlog. It's also rather opaque when it comes to hacking, and includes no provisions for extending the app via plugins or scripts.
Long time nixers

I retryed, and at this time `make install` was running correctly. Strange.

I don't know what I did wrong last time. How I can make a mistake with `make`? :D


Is there a smart way to read the fifo without
while :; do; cat $FIFO; sleep 1; done
SpongeboZZ; Bikini Bottom Mafia/
You're cock-sucker, bitch/ silence while godfathers speech/
yeah/ da plancton in muh blunt/ gangster squarepants witha gun/
Sponge iz the bozz in da buiz/ you're creating silly trash/
i'm creating hollywood shit/
Grey Hair Nixers
tail -f $FIFO

You can also check multitail, but it's not worth it IMO.
Long time nixers
I should facepalm myself :D

Thank you z3bra, now I have replaced irssi with {pt}ii
SpongeboZZ; Bikini Bottom Mafia/
You're cock-sucker, bitch/ silence while godfathers speech/
yeah/ da plancton in muh blunt/ gangster squarepants witha gun/
Sponge iz the bozz in da buiz/ you're creating silly trash/
i'm creating hollywood shit/
Grey Hair Nixers
Glad you like it ! My first known user ^^
ive also converted to ii from irsii. ill probably hack together some thing in c that lets me join servers and channels with more grace
Grey Hair Nixers
I I just rewrote ptii from scratch, implementing Inotify and readdir to build the channel tree. The code is more solid now (I think ^^).

It actually lack some features like handling multiple servers or switching to a channel by its name or number. But as I'm starting from a better basis, it will be easier to hack and improve. Feel free to join!

Repo is accessible here:
> ptii repository
Long time nixers
Mostly XChat / Hexchat, irssi at work.
Long time nixers
[Image: 1Wjh]
Xchat riced.