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Long time nixers
Just curious, what platforms would you, or do you, use to run your blog? Wordpress, ghost, jekyll, hugo, etc? Any particular reason?
Grey Hair Nixers
BSD Makefiles! You can check the source here: git://
Jekyll because I'm hosting on GitHub Pages. All in all, it feels like a pretty sane tool.

(22-08-2016, 07:16 PM)z3bra Wrote: BSD Makefiles! You can check the source here: git://

Friendly reminder that the old tools like cat and the lost M4 are incredibly handy (Caution: Mild rambling).
Same here, I'm running my blog on Jekyll.
The template system is useful and it's not complicated to setup.
I run my blog on Jekyll, like most people here. Hosting for free on GitHub Pages.

Tried Ghost before leaving my VPS but I'd stay with Jekyll because of its consumption.
argonaut · musician · developer · writer ·
Long time nixers
Thanks everyone. I have used jekyll for a personal wiki site I was running on Worked really well for how I was using it. I was thinking of setting up a public blog of my own as well using Jekyll.

Reason I ask though, my wife has a need for a blog and I cannot trust WordPress specifically. I used to work in the web hosting industry and what I saw there was enough to blacklist Wordpress forever. So I need something she can use. Though, I am confident I can adequately teach the syntax of the kramdown for writing the posts in jekyll to her. Then I can do the build and deployment. She is leaning towards ghost, as I got that up and running. Wanted to run nginx with modsecurity as the proxy. But I know absolutely nothing of the nodejs platform and so I fear I will bwork it all up and make it more vulnerable.
Long time nixers
You could use mine.

No dynamic code on your server required. Plus, live support on by me. :D

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers

Oh, nice, I already found it while crawling static websites generators. I do not need this elaborated websites, so I did a script `www`.

There are a lot of static websites generator!

- <- My favorite
Long time nixers
Yeah, has been particularly useful in this hunt. That other one has better listings though. Thanks for the link!
Long time nixers
It just lacks Bitbucket support, but maybe I'll find the time to submit a PR for it one day. :-)

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers
@jkl, please forgive me but I don't understand the meaning of your post. Could you please elaborate?
Long time nixers
The first, longish list only lists GitHub stars but not Bitbucket stars, although some (including mine) are on Bitbucket. That'll need a code improvement on the website. :-)

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers
I gotcha. Sorry, not so good at discerning from context alone.

Anyhow, pretty interested in blogcpp. I'll grab it later on and test it out :)
Long time nixers
Great! If anything's missing: I probably know (see the roadmap). :-)

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
I wonder if there is a minimalistic static blog generator that I can use with basic HTML/markdown files while adding a simple css file that I've made to it, Jekyll and all modern gen seem too much for me and my 2 posts.
(17-02-2018, 12:15 AM)renken Wrote: I wonder if there is a minimalistic static blog generator that I can use with basic HTML/markdown files while adding a simple css file that I've made to it, Jekyll and all modern gen seem too much for me and my 2 posts.

If that's it, you're probably better off writing your own script with Pandoc or something similar.
Long time nixers
I use a mix of zodiac[0] and lowdown[1], and it works for the most part. The main thing for me is the leanness of the setup, it's just a shell script with some awk + an external (and rather fast) markdown parser. Sadly it's not quite what I want, the whole setup is rather "unstable"? I can't quite find the words, but I guess that anyone who reads into zodiac would get the feeling. Can anyone recommend something that goes in this direction (for example letting me use my own markdown parser) while being overall a bit more "coherent"?

I made my blog platform in PHP, it's really simple, the website pages go on the "pages" directory, the styling in the "template" directory and the articles in the "articles" directory.

The articles are written in Markdown and the "platform" translates it in proper HTML, the RSS is also automatically generated.

The source code is here:
(17-02-2018, 12:15 AM)renken Wrote: I wonder if there is a minimalistic static blog generator that I can use with basic HTML/markdown files while adding a simple css file that I've made to it, Jekyll and all modern gen seem too much for me and my 2 posts.

My site is created on WonderCMS. This is a Ukrainian-language site with my additions, and templates for this engine. CMS does not require relational databases, and any complicated settings, just copy to the hosting, that's all. My site, along with its contents, does not even occupy a megabyte, and the engine with a template and a couple of plug-ins - only 100 kilobytes. - oficial site.
I made mine in POSIX sh, with a really naive parser. It's at, I think I hard code stuff, but you could adapt for your needs I'm sure if you're so inclined.
Grey Hair Nixers
I don't think anyone will try another guy's work when it comes to blog generation.
Making a static site generator is the new babytask programming project and everyone come up with his/her own solution that's really specific.

All of them are light and simple, which is cool and interresting to look at, just like the blog itself.
That is what make personnal websites cool: even their creation comes is personnal!

And just to add up to it, here is mine, which is based on make(1) and some shell scripts (for index and RSS generation).
(01-07-2019, 03:51 AM)z3bra Wrote: All of them are light and simple, which is cool and interresting to look at, just like the blog itself.
That is what make personnal websites cool: even their creation comes is personnal!

in my humble opinion - the engine for the site will be a success if you don’t need to understand it, and if the admin panel design is not too dull, but understandable the first time, although this also applies to software. I saw a lot of projects on githabs that didn’t evoke sympathy from users due to the absence of at least some desire from the developer to create a truly interesting product for the user. because now computers are not for programmers, and the Internet too, and you need to understand that "turn on and work" is not just a norm, it is a required parameter. on my website I show what the engine is capable of, and not just talking about myself, as far as I'm a good guy. Of course, individual projects are only worthwhile because each person is an individual and wants to open up as an individuality in his projects, but as a rule, people have nothing to say. there is only a box with nails. I apologize for the metaphors;)
(22-08-2016, 06:21 PM)robotchaos Wrote: Just curious, what platforms would you, or do you, use to run your blog? Wordpress, ghost, jekyll, hugo, etc? Any particular reason?


I started using it around v0.13 mainly because it was a binary and I didn't like ruby (jekyll). I ended up using it for the company website too. While it changes quite often, and has somewhat of a learning curve, it's served well. I use python for most everything, so ended up writing a helper script for common functions I found missing.
(01-07-2019, 03:51 AM)z3bra Wrote: That is what make personnal websites cool: even their creation comes is personnal!

That's right. I wrote some notes using mkdocs but when I saw what Roman Zolotarev did I thought : "Making-off this kind of stuff can be funny too". Since then I still owing to make something like this.
Long time nixers
I lost my motivation to continue working on my blog software (so many other projects are so much better), yet I still plan to move my personal WordPress to a static blog. Staticman looks like it could solve the problem of having a non-JS comment area there, which was everything that kept me stuck with WordPress. I do not want to impose JavaScript on my visitors.

Zola seems to be a better Hugo. I'll investigate.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Personally, I just use a php script which cat(1)s a text file. Extremely minimalistic and works pretty nice.
Long time nixers
I wouldn't call PHP "minimalistic", honestly.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
I (literally) write my blog in plaintext and I use logarion (blog-wiki hybrid) for processing and whatnot. As an added bonus it also supports gemini and gopher (although with this one I had to write a gophermap by hand) but otherwise's alright, I guess...

Edit: My blog's hosted on a tilde (forgot to mention)
Edit 2: the above is no longer true, and I officially maintain logarion as a few months ago, plus stopped caring about Gemini.
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~Izuru Yakumo
Long time nixers
I also write my blog in plain text, using a markup language I created and call incipit.
I then use an awk script to convert the txts to a body-only html.
Then, I use m4 to envelope the body into a full html with head tag.
Everything is coordinated with BSD makefiles.

All pages, except the index, are written manually in txt.
The index.txt, however is generated by m4 after collecting the names of all the other pages. It then goes by the process of txt→body (via that awk script) and body→html (via m4).

The feed.xml is also created with m4.

I use openrsync (OpenBSD's implementation of rsync(1)) to send the files to my remote server.

Here is the source of my website