questions about making a simple blog from scratch with go lang. - The WWW

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Hello, I'm thinking about practicing what I've learned about go lang so far and make a very very simple blog managed with a go backend and basic html + css (might add boostrap to it) and that's it. i wanna keep it simple and nice just like this website! I want to focus on the backend stuff mostly and I have some questions since im somewhat new to web dev.
What I know so far:
- Basic Data Structures.
- Basic File Operations.
- Basic Understanding of net/http, html and css. (didn't read about javascript).
- Getting into databases, and dealing with one.
What I don't know how to do:
- How to even start?
- What if I wrote a new blog and had to add it to the navigation bar, how can i automate such a thing to be applied to all pages?
Any tips will be more than welcomed to read. Thank you. Not just about this thread but web dev in general.
Long time nixers
My homepage is a static blogish thing, generated with Hugo, which is written on Go. I think Hugo mostly uses Go's html-template function.

My advice to you is actually to make a hugo site first. And then you can dig into hugo's source (it is on github) and see how they are doing it.
Also try to pin down what kind of content you want on the site (blog, screenshots, scripts, tutorials, recepies, photos etc). Don't make the list too long, but not too short either. Then create at least one page/"category" (these never have to become public, you just need them to have something to build with. so don't spend too much time on them in the first stage.). When you have all this it is "easy" to see how the navigation should be done and generated.

Also, you seem to know more then enough about javascript, don't think more about that ;)
Sass or less are nice pre-processors for css that i really recommend (i use sass).

Webdev community is quite large, but try to get knowledge from good sources (books, pdfs), taking random advises and copypasting js solutions from stackoverflow, will not save you anything. And webdev (front/back-whocares-end) is hard, it has a lot of problems you don't encounter in other types of development. You don't know the target. You don't know what hardware, browser, age, gender or anything about your target user. And you are "developing" content and design that will work for them. So limiting your target audience is not a bad idea if it's done the right way. (you write about archaic UNIX stuff, then you don't need to explain where the startbutton is, you don't need to have a flashgame in your banner e.t.c.).

And last, most people spend so much time on the "design" aspects on projects like this, so much that they get tired of it. Content is key to keeping it interesting, both to you and your future visitors. Start with a basic design and "improve" it over time.
(30-11-2017, 08:24 AM)budRich Wrote: html
Hello there budRich, thank you for the suggestion. I played with jekyll (github) for a bit and it seemed easy to setup and run. My bet is that hugo uses the same philosophy so I'll try to dig in the source and read up some basic stuff, I hope I don't get lost. I'll also look up how to get better at using html/template. As for content and design, I don't really care. For design, I love minimalism so, I'll probably aim for some lightweight html+css config that i'll be making or maybe even extend my startpage design! or make it somewhat like and other websites like that! About the content, I dont have a target audience to work with aside from me that hopes to see his website running and functionning well.. Thank you for your help!