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Since I'm a bit bored and fails to find motivation, I think I could share the themes of this week:
I intend to work on:

* redundancy of my lab VMs: it implies doubling a full pxe infra, maybe port the fallback infra to systemd, just to learn and have both working together?
* integrating cfengine3 to the mess
* continuing to work on converse, my dialog alternative

And you?
(24-08-2020, 08:37 PM)freem Wrote: And you?

I started reading "Beyond Software Architecture — Creating and Sustaining Winning Solutions". It's pretty good compared to previous software architecture books I've read before, it really emphasizes the "beyond" part, taking into consideration all the important aspects that aren't technical but important to keep a business running. If anyone is into software architecture, Mark Richards from Software Architecture Mondays is doing monthly webinars along with Neal Ford.

Other than this, I'm learning Rust and I'm halfway through Crafting Interpreter, I'm reading it after tackling the Dragon Book, so it's just a refresher before moving on to something else on my list.

Sunday we'll have an ascii art release, so I'm working on that too, I've had a creative block though.
Grey Hair Nixers
(24-08-2020, 08:37 PM)freem Wrote: redundancy of my lab VMs: it implies doubling a full pxe infra, maybe port the fallback infra to systemd

How is systemd related to pxe ? Or maybe you're aggregating two topics here ?
Which hypervisor do you use, and what PXE system ?


Edit Forgot my week !

I'd like to put some content on my gopher hole. There are a bunch of stuff I hold in my head that I should definitely write down.
I'm recreating the automated configuration for my matterbridge/irc server (fucking disk loss with no backups… 😥).
I need to buy a new hard drive, and recover my data on it, then finish configuring my backup system (involving dedup, safe and rclone).

That's all personal work. At my company I'm working on a ruby library to pilot a virtualized load balancer (for integration in Puppet). I'm pairing with someone on the dev team whose coaching me to do it TDD-style.
I have started to design a concatenative programming language, so i will probably dedicate this week for this (syntax, sematics, compiler/interpreter).
Long time nixers
More music stuff. I’ll dive into writing LV2 plugins.
Looking at replacing ncurses with BSD curses as a possible way to reduce the size of my ncplay program.
Long time nixers
Working with verilog and FPGAing.
This is the first week of the virtual classes of my uni.
They are being performed via Microsoft Teams now due to covid.
I'm struggling to work with this Intel's IDE for hardware prototyping.

At the end of the course I'm supposed to have projected a ARM-like CPU (bonus points if it works).
I also have to learn ARM Assembly in order to make use of it.
(25-08-2020, 08:19 AM)z3bra Wrote:
(24-08-2020, 08:37 PM)freem Wrote: redundancy of my lab VMs: it implies doubling a full pxe infra, maybe port the fallback infra to systemd

How is systemd related to pxe ? Or maybe you're aggregating two topics here ?
Which hypervisor do you use, and what PXE system ?

systemd is not related, it's just to add some complexity and gain some experience with something I dislike. Honestly, it's not a top priority.
My VMs run under virtualbox, because it's the simplest one to use.
PXE is not really "one system", it's a combination of softwares for which there are several alternatives. The time I've spent on deploying those was mostly spent on configuring servers.
Basically, it is built from a dhcpd, a tftpd and an "nfsd". Add some pxelinux configuration there, a spoon of chroot, put a good dose of shell scripting, and if you know your distro, you should almost have it.
I tried it at 1st for work, but I was *really* unsatisfied by the result, debian does not really let itself run as diskless. So I've redone the stuff for myself, deploying a small set of VMs. The goal: to have a virtual network that allows me to deploy a very heavily customized debian. I could almost say a fork, despite the fact I don't (yet) rebuild packages there. I need the arch to be efficient 1st :)

Well, I failed my planning, being jobless does not help to hold those... I have time, but motivation varies too much.
(26-08-2020, 08:09 PM)ckester Wrote: Looking at replacing ncurses with BSD curses as a possible way to reduce the size of my ncplay program.
This sounds interesting, can you tell me more about your ncplay program?
“Maybe you have some bird ideas... Maybe that's the best you can do.” - Terry A. Davis (R.I.P Terry & Percival)
(03-09-2020, 11:38 PM)Ramiferous Wrote:
(26-08-2020, 08:09 PM)ckester Wrote: Looking at replacing ncurses with BSD curses as a possible way to reduce the size of my ncplay program.
This sounds interesting, can you tell me more about your ncplay program?

It's an mpg123 frontend I've been using as a way to explore ways to structure curses programs.

Using libev is probably overkill in this case, but I want to learn how to integrate with ncurses. Turned out to be a trivial exercise.

I got sidetracked by other responsibilities last week so I didn't get around to debugging the failure I encountered building BSD curses with musl libc. So it's still on the todo list.
Grey Hair Nixers
someone posted this cool package on /r/emacs:

It lets you sync the content of org headlines across files. One thing I'm taking advantage of git for in my wiki/site is an edit history through git log -- but I like managing one big notes file instead of many little notes files (the blog style). So I'm gonna see if I can shape this into what I want.

Additionally, when building my site I totally ignored org's builtin notion of a "project" and just sort of did my own thing, which has let to some hacks. I'm going to restructure it inspo'd by this setup: , tracking my own setup here: