Ascii/ANSI-Art I've made - venam - 04-11-2012
Hello *nixer,
This thread is about art made from characters.
Show off what you've done by doing a screenshot of :
[1] - Your Desktop filled with ascii arts
[2]- Your TTY filed with ascii arts
here is mine:
In the TTY
On the Desktop
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - simon - 04-11-2012
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - venam - 04-11-2012
Cool simon, this is really colourful. I like them all!
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - zygotb - 04-11-2012
I haven't really played with ASCII art since the mid 1990's, and most of those ASCII "graphics" were user interface screens, sort of like the BSD sysinstall interface.
Not very artistic.
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - OpenSource - 06-11-2012
Those are amazing ; I wanna try to make something like this :D
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - venam - 12-01-2013
Somehow my images always get removed.I should use another image uploader or we should have our own.
EDIT: after a year or so. This is really old!
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - Mafia - 12-01-2013
Daamn venam, just damn.
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - xero - 08-08-2014
now that you mention it, i've been working on some new ansi recently.
there's a bash script that prints it to your terminal here:
both color and black and white versions available.
Code: ansi art of ryu hayabusa from ninja gaiden
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here's the black and white version as my /etc/issue login screen
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - venam - 08-08-2014
Damn, bumping that thread after a year or so. I'll update my screenshot.
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - xero - 08-08-2014
sorry about the necro. but i <3 me some ansi/ascii art ;D
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - rwzy - 08-08-2014
(12-01-2013, 02:55 PM)venam Wrote: Somehow my images always get removed.I should use another image uploader or we should have our own […]
What's the font of the bar at the top?
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - venam - 09-08-2014
(08-08-2014, 10:54 PM)rwzy Wrote: (12-01-2013, 02:55 PM)venam Wrote: Somehow my images always get removed.I should use another image uploader or we should have our own […]
What's the font of the bar at the top?
Sorry, I don't remember because this screenshot is around 2 years old. It's a very old thread.
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - rwzy - 09-08-2014
That's okay, hoping you were still using it or had it in your dots.
RE: Ascii/ANSI-Art - xero - 18-09-2014
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