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Hello fellow nixers,
Last summer we had a Unix challenge thread and one of the most interesting challenge was to spend a whole week in the TTY.
This means no X at all.

Last time it was pretty fun so we're going to do it again this summer.

This thread is to prepare the schedule and list who's in.

The challenge will start on Friday 26.
You can find the timer here
Long time nixers
I'm all for this. But how will I watch netflix?
Grey Hair Nixers
mplayer -vo framebuffer

I'm in! Though it's gonna be hard in my case... (windows host + web based maintenance). So I'll not be able to do everything in TTY at work like I did last year.
But you can totally count me in for home station!
Long time nixers
^ same.

i'm in at home as well. i can try my best at work, but idk. i will keep a log
Long time nixers
I'm down for giving it a go, although I am still bad at getting info from websites (using w3m sucks) but everything else I am a go on, I think ...
Long time nixers
Wish I could participate. Web dev don't allow me to though. :(
Eduan / greduan
I came up with the requirements for the countdown program. I'll work on it when I get a bit of free time.
  • It has a daemon interface and a client
  • The client displays the time left
  • The daemon automatically kills all X sessions
  • The daemon checks an online timer, once it expires it displays "END!" and the daemon is automatically stopped
  • An admin can set the online timer
Long time nixers
As long as I can play video and browse the web (which I can, framebuffer is actually quite good), I'll be fine. A harder challenge would be something crazy, like doing everything in Emacs for a week.
my website:
This is easy, most of the websites I visit are text-based anyways.
I created a repository for the timer we'll use.
Grey Hair Nixers
Tell me what the API is! So we can have 10 different clients :P
Linux - Crux 3.1
Pandora - Pianobar
IRC - Weechat
Music - MPD + Ncmpcpp
Movies - mplayer -vo fbdev2 -fs -zoom -x 1366 -y 768 movies.mp4
YouTube - Mpsyt
File Manager - Ranger + w3mimgdisplay + Midnight Commander
Browser - w3m
Tiling - Tmux
Editor - Vim or Vi
Shell - Zsh
Torrent - rtorrent

I was a Linux Admin back then in 2006-2010 until they let me go because ..... no reason i hate them and i use to love that job i had 37 schools running Debian with no GUI + Iptable + Squid + Dansguardian + DHCP etc ... so much fun back then :D . Well my only down about this is W3M i wish some day someone make this more Firefox like . My question is if i can see video and pictures in my console why i can't see webpages in full view like Firefox ? Can't wait to see this happen
(11-06-2015, 10:18 PM)zr0 Wrote: Linux - Crux 3.1
Pandora - Pianobar
IRC - Weechat
Music - MPD + Ncmpcpp
Movies - mplayer -vo fbdev2 -fs -zoom -x 1366 -y 768 movies.mp4
YouTube - Mpsyt
File Manager - Ranger + w3mimgdisplay + Midnight Commander
Browser - w3m
Tiling - Tmux
Editor - Vim or Vi
Shell - Zsh
Torrent - rtorrent
You got your arsenal ready for the fight!
They're all great programs but for the browser I prefer lynx and for the multiplexer dvtm.

Also, you forgot to mention an email client and games (⌒.−)=★.
Thanks Venam you just gave me something fun to do this weekend to try out Lynx , Dvtm and set up my email client since i rarely use it and try to find some CLI games since i have more fun watching movies and listening to music :D
Grey Hair Nixers
I'd use dvtm if I could bind ctrl-space to the escape sequence... sight..
I have 2 hours now playing with Dvtm and well i just got to say that is good but i can do everything i does on TMUX and i guess TMUX have a few more extras :D
Long time nixers
dvtm + dtach (basically) = tmux
Grey Hair Nixers
(12-06-2015, 02:12 PM)xero Wrote: dvtm + dtach (basically) = tmux
not really in fact. dvtm will do a better job at "tiling" your terminals together, while tmux allow showing the terminals you want to see only.

For example, tmux allow you to spawn as many "windows" as you want, and split it in different terminals. dvtm on the other hand, only has one "window" but allow a finer management of it: different layouts, minimizations, input multiplexing, ...

I find dvtm to be easier to use, but I think that tmux is more flexible due to the manual layout, similar to ratpoison.
(12-06-2015, 02:44 PM)z3bra Wrote:
(12-06-2015, 02:12 PM)xero Wrote: dvtm + dtach (basically) = tmux
not really in fact. dvtm will do a better job at "tiling" your terminals together, while tmux allow showing the terminals you want to see only.

For example, tmux allow you to spawn as many "windows" as you want, and split it in different terminals. dvtm on the other hand, only has one "window" but allow a finer management of it: different layouts, minimizations, input multiplexing, ...

I find dvtm to be easier to use, but I think that tmux is more flexible due to the manual layout, similar to ratpoison.
For me dvtm is more of a plug and play terminal multiplexer compared to tmux, that's why I prefer it.
Grey Hair Nixers
I must say that dvtm default's are way better than tmux's
The challenge will start Friday 26.
Long time nixers
That's great, that's after my last exam, I'll have loads of time to do this. For the record, I really can't be bothered to learn dvtm or tmux, so I'll just use Emacs. Gnus for email, eww for internet, Emacs for "window" management... this'll be a piece of cake, I already use all of that!
my website:
I'm gonna start the timer tonight, get ready everyone.
Don't forget to update this thread when you are in the challenge!
Grey Hair Nixers
I'll take the challenge this year too! Only at work though. I can't handle it at work.
I'm gonna play some dwarffortress again :P
I'm done with the challenge.
I've left some logs on my blog for those interested
Grey Hair Nixers
That was an awesome read. You're my hero!
Long time nixers
Great write up, cheers.
I can't believe I missed this!
Long time nixers
I did as well! Wait, but not! I already did this once, for two weeks without the week-end (web browsing).

To me, webdesign is like art (i mean the hand-made blogs I see here and there, not these JavascriptIsRequiredToContinue ones) so stopping it was like a pain. That is also why I do not have custom css.

Tools that may come usefull:

<h2>Modular tools: vi/mg + console + whatnot</h2>

- fbida: image (<code>fbi</code> and pdf (<code>fbgs</code>) viewer in framebuffer.
- But framebuffer is not text console! there are text image viewers too: <a href="">icat</a>, my favorite, cacalib , that does not deserves its name due to <a href="">impressive dithering algorithms</a>, libaa...

<h2>Emacs users</h2>

Hehe, you already have everything in the terminal...

But there is no image. So I played with elisp and produced this:

You can have all blocks drawing characters in tty, but not the braille ones (for drawille), as ther are 256 braille characters and these would fill the whole characters slot, not letting space for even the alphabet.


You can <a href="">port your favorite font</a> to the psf format to use in tty.

I advise you to use <a href="">these equivalents and these font sets</a> to have the most complete coverage substituting characters with similar one when not available. The TTY have a maximal number of characters of 256.

W3M in another tty with root can display images directly in the tty!

You can use custom theme in the tty. Not only setting wether of the 8 available colors or setting them bold or not for your prompt or editor, but actually setting the console color by choosing theme like #F3F802. You can export to linux console at

So you have a terminal with image support (w3m) and custom font and colors. What else :)


Today, I use both, as I have very little frontier between the two, and I sometimes forget that there is no mouse in tty, or a mouse in X11.