2bwm border colors script - Programming On Unix

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Purpose: When you change your color palette do you change colors elsewhere to keep the consistency? It can be a bit of a chore to change your config.h.
I put togehter a script that when run will take your current xcolors and change your config.h, then reload using xdotool. The script takes the color options into an array, so the base script can easily be altered to choose which colors act as which border.
I have found it to be super useful. I hope you do too.
#! /bin/bash

## dkeg 2015
## 2bwmColor
## Whenever you change your xcolor run this and your 2bwm borders will keep with you chosen color scheme!
## requires xdotool

. $HOME/bin/colr

# get current xcolors

# wm border color options; allter to your liking

# set paths

# take the colors from the config.h and place into an array  
  wmcol=$(cat $file|grep "*colors"|awk '{print $6}'|cut -d '}' -f1|awk '{gsub(/"/," ");print $2,$4,$6,$8,$10,$12,$14}')

# action
   sed -i "s/${arr[0]}/"$foc"/;
           s/${arr[6]}/"$emp"/" $file

# compile
  cd $dir && make && sudo make install

# reload
  xdotool key "super+ctrl+r"
or grab it from github
work hard, complain less
Looks good!
Would you recommend 2bwm? I've seen lots of people using it and it looks really nice.
Im thinking about switching now...
Persnally, yes, I would recommend. But my needs I'm sure are different from yours. For me it has been the most comfortble invisible wm. It was a lot to knock cwm off that perch, but it seems it has. Its my goto wm.
work hard, complain less

What needs does it not fulfill?
(05-07-2015, 06:11 PM)enephst Wrote: What needs does it not fulfill?

It's missing good multiple monitors workflow. Probably because I stopped using multiple monitors and didn't care about it.

At the moment it just extends the current workspace across the monitors and you can teleport the window from one workspace to another.

What I want to implement, and didn't work on, is a different set of workspaces per monitor by splitting the 10 workspaces across them. For example, if you have 2 monitors then workspaces 1 to 5 are mapped to the first monitor and 6 to 0 for the other one. This leaves the problem that you can't have more than 10 monitors but I guess that's not a big issue.

Doesn't matter to me because I'm on a laptop!
I gave up my multi monitor battle station in favor of a laptop because I love to walk around and do computing on the go.
Based on the readme on github: you mention that its buggy, anything I need to look out for?
(06-07-2015, 10:09 AM)enephst Wrote: Doesn't matter to me because I'm on a laptop!
I gave up my multi monitor battle station in favor of a laptop because I love to walk around and do computing on the go.
Based on the readme on github: you mention that its buggy, anything I need to look out for?
Nothing specific, no. It used to be buggy and I just left that mention to avoid having to deal with nagging.
I had to update the OP. I found a flaw. It seems to working correctly now. If you try it out I would be happy to hear any feedback.
work hard, complain less