Smallest linux distro? - Other *nix-like OSes & POSIX related

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Long time nixers
What would you guys say is the *smallest* linux (libre or not) distro there is? I was looking at rlsd2 recently but I found it unsuitable. Interested in hearing all of your opinions on this subject.
Long time nixers
TinyCoreLinux is probably the smallest.
I've used TinyCore and rlsd2, both pretty small.
However, when it comes to the usage of small distro what I want is to be able to boot from a usb and directly be able to have a running system.
Slitaz is my main small distro choice, though not the smallest.

I guess in the bsd area you find smaller installs that can be put on a diskette.
TinyCore, rlsd, and Damn Small Linux are probably the smallest. For most uses something like SliTaz should be small *enough*.
Linux From Scratch (also the most hardcore distro) ;)
I've used Tiny Core, I like the frugal mode. The "bad" thing about tiny core are the repos, you'll probably need to compile and make some packages.
Grey Hair Nixers
(26-12-2015, 12:28 PM)ninjacharlie Wrote: Linux From Scratch (also the most hardcore distro) ;)

LFS is not *that* hardcore in fact. Its pretty much like arch actually. If you can read up a guide, copy paste some commands and avoid being stupid, you can get an LFS setup in less than a day (depending on your computer power).

Also, its rather "big" due to the fact that most tools featured are GNU softwares compiled with sane defaults. A full alpine setup would be drastically smaller I think (busybox based)
Long time nixers
(26-12-2015, 06:25 PM)z3bra Wrote: Also, its rather "big" due to the fact that most tools featured are GNU softwares compiled with sane defaults. A full alpine setup would be drastically smaller I think (busybox based)

When I've done it, I've never used the GNU suggestions they have for software. I've always grabbed stuff from alternatives, and figured it out from there, so it's a bit more hardcore ;)
linux from scartch.
Grey Hair Nixers
(24-01-2016, 01:44 PM)XcelQ Wrote: linux from scartch.

As I said, like, 3 posts above:

(26-12-2015, 06:25 PM)z3bra Wrote: LFS is not *that* hardcore in fact. Its pretty much like arch actually. If you can read up a guide, copy paste some commands and avoid being stupid, you can get an LFS setup in less than a day (depending on your computer power).

Also, its rather "big" due to the fact that most tools featured are GNU softwares compiled with sane defaults. A full alpine setup would be drastically smaller I think (busybox based)
(25-01-2016, 01:14 PM)z3bra Wrote:
(24-01-2016, 01:44 PM)XcelQ Wrote: linux from scartch.

As I said, like, 3 posts above:

(26-12-2015, 06:25 PM)z3bra Wrote: LFS is not *that* hardcore in fact. Its pretty much like arch actually. If you can read up a guide, copy paste some commands and avoid being stupid, you can get an LFS setup in less than a day (depending on your computer power).

Also, its rather "big" due to the fact that most tools featured are GNU softwares compiled with sane defaults. A full alpine setup would be drastically smaller I think (busybox based)

I got arch in like 10 minutes. lfs probably takes longer.
Grey Hair Nixers
It obviously does, but that's mostly due to the compilation time.
doesn't a minimal alpine docker container take ~5.5MB?
Grey Hair Nixers
We're talking about docker containers, not actual distros though. so you don't have the kernel, modules and other things
ah; I've never used Docker so I didn't know that