Keyboard driven browsers & plugins - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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Lately I've been using dwb for most of my browsing but there are a few times when I need dat firefox. I'd like to make the full switch for the sake of usuability and speed. I've tried the vimperator plugin and found it to break a few things and makes certain things function a little awkwardly not to mention I like the keybindings for dwb.

I'm wondering what y'all use? I know there are different plugins/browsers besides vimperator and dwb so I'm looking for some opinions :)
Long time nixers
I have been using dwb for awhile now and I use firefox only for youtube (and other flash stuff) since I'm too lazy to setup flash for dwb.

I really like the interface and keybindings of dwb. :)
I use icecat for casual browsing because I like the plugins.
If I don't want to start the monster I simply use midori. Midori is fast lightweight, and has some extensions. Namely, an adblocker, a cookie manager, keyboard shortcuts, userstyles, etc..
I can use Mozilla's plugins. ex: flash.
Long time nixers
The thread title is a liiiitle misleading, but, I use Xombrero, it's awesome.
(11-07-2013, 11:36 AM)Phyrne Wrote: The thread title is a liiiitle misleading, but, I use Xombrero, it's awesome.
Oh wow... totally meant to say "Keyboard driven..." derp. fixed.
Firefox with Vimperator is what floats my boat. I've tried luakit for a while, and I liked it. Except that it wasn't nearly stable enough to be my default browser, it just crashed too frequently, and without a session restore feature, that's just deadly.

Also, I'm a Gecko fanboy, I think it has the nicest rendering.
Long time nixers
I'm another xombrero user.
Set it up to use the minimal interface and you won't use your mouse much.
Grey Hair Nixers
Xombrero is what I like :)
Long time nixers
I use Firefox with VimFx.
Long time nixers
I love Xombrero, but I mostly use Firefox with Vimperator.
Long time nixers
FF and xxxterm(Yeah that's right, I don't say Xombrero".
Long time nixers

I can't install xombrero by typing xxxterm... :s
I tried firefox-nightly today.
What can I say, it's bleeding edge and renders the images beautifully .
[Image: lw1v9]
Grey Hair Nixers
I like that thread layout :)