Need For a linux book - GNU/Linux

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Long time nixers
Guys I am new to linux and in search of a distro, which comprises of a enviornment suitable for: a hacker, a developer, a musical guy, a movie fan etc. But since I am new to linux I dont know how to use its command line or how to open up the things and also customize my distro according to my satisfaction, or how to develop software/install tools. I also don't know the exact setup of tools for developing and coding and stuff. So I also need a proper book to understand these things properly. If anyone can provide me with that, that would be great.

Thanks in advance.
Human Knowledge Belongs To The World.
When it comes to learning a system, my favoured approach would be to just dive in, and look things up while I go.

I'd recommend grabbing a distro like Arch, something lean, which requires a lot of hands-on and has pretty great documentation, and just get going.

As far as I know, there is no such thing as a "definitive book about Linux", since there are so many topics to write about, it would be impossible to fit it all into one book.

Version: 3.1
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You can do all those you mentioned above in any Linux distribution. I haven't really used any books for learning Linux, as I've just used Google to answer all my questions mostly regarding the command-line. Here are some links that I think could help you:

Link 1
Link 2

More importantly, some commands vary from distro to distro, so you should post which distribution are you planning to use.

Off-topic: NeoTerra, is it just me, or one space when posting is two spaces when posted? Posts really look spacy for me. xD
*hijacking ensues*

Honestly, I think it's too much. I might have to overwrite that in my userContent.css.

Version: 3.1
GCA/IT d-(---)@ s+: a-- C+++(++++)$ UBL*+++ P+++>++++ L++ E W+++$ !N !o K !w !O M+>++ !V PS+++ PE !Y PGP+ !t-- !5 !X R@ tv- b+ DI D+ G e h r++ y+

Long time nixers
Yeah! thanks to all for such a great advice or suggestions. Hope this would be enough to get started with my linux distro
Again Thanks to all and hope get to see more stuff on the forums.