Post stuff that you've made with GIMP - Unix Related Arts & Image Manipulation Software

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Long time nixers
I remember when I did tags, good times:
All are with GIMP but maybe the first smudge and the large art. I use to be know as the GIMP Guru, although all of these are very old crap.

These are all mine


[Image: smudgedraft.png]

[Image: wiztag.png]

[Image: Love.png]

[Image: angel.png]

[Image: rainfalls.png]

[align=center][Image: Peak.png]

[align=center][Image: DiwM7.png]

[Image: Dkm22.png]

[Image: magesig.png]

[Image: magesig.png]

[Image: snakesignature11.png]

[Image: Greenchick.png]

[Image: my778.png]

[Image: Nt5hm.png]

[Image: Q9Ffn.png]

MyyBB code is screwed up from the copy and paste, I was previously know as -NA.Hue/Amnesia.
NA was fun.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Post stuff that you've made with gimp. - by Mafia - 08-09-2012, 07:40 PM