Your Latest Workflow Improvement - Desktop Customization & Workflow
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I think my latest workflow improvements have been:
1) have "buttons" in my status bar to control mpd. I could already do it with keyboard, sure, but they require both hands (no super key on keyboard's right side, which is the $mod key for my "desktop") and sometimes I have my right hand side on the mouse, thus it's easier to have buttons: Code: #!/bin/sh 2) the use of keepassxc. For long, I was not using that kind of tool, but now that I use it I understand why they're nice. TBH, I'm annoyed that current version (not yet in debian stable) have redone their graphics for that shitty fashion of flat design and low contrast colours, but old won't break magically soon, and I can probably live with the lacking features until I find a better alternative. 3) still WIP, but I've been running all my "desktop daemons" (keepassxc, quasselc, claws-mail, mpd, unclutter) under a user's instance of runsvdir, so that they are restarted when they are closed (either because of crash or because of accidental action). This also provides me with an easier way to control them, since I can use Code: sv [start|stop|restart|alarm|...] $daemon |