Workflow Compilation [June Events 2021] - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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Long time nixers
Decided to make a video after all:

(This link will expire in one year.)

As suggested by humky, a list of the stuff used:

- OS: Arch Linux
- Window Manager & Co.: katriawm, bevelbar, infofeld2, nhkd, unclutter
- Web Browser: lariza
- Terminal: xiate
- Menu: dmenu (can only be seen briefly, but it’s my application launcher, password manager, browser bookmark manager, …)
- Mail/RSS: mutt, my “RSS to e-mail” script is not public … and I’m only 60-80% happy with it
- Screenshot: Set by swall, then published using shot-xinerama + webdump to my public server
- Shell: Boring old Bash
- Music: mpd + ncmpcpp
- Editor: Vim
- The ASCII Mandelbrot/Julia thingy: asciibrot
- IRC: WeeChat running in tmux on another box which is always online anyway

Messages In This Thread
RE: Workflow Compilation [June Events 2021] - by movq - 03-06-2021, 03:32 AM