First Time you used 'Linux' ? - GNU/Linux
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My first Linux distro (and UNIX system) was Ubuntu, in 2009, when I was 13.
I migrated to Ubuntu from Windows 7 after some problem with Firefox I cannot remember now. The first Unix-related community I took part of was, a Brazilian forum about Linux. In late 2011, after disliking GNOME 3, I briefly moved to Kubuntu until I settled in Arch Linux with KDE Plasma 4. In 2014, after not getting used to KDE Plasma 5, I moved to i3 while still in Arch Linux. In 2020 I leaved the Linux world and moved to OpenBSD, while still with an Arch installation in dual-boot for software that are Linux-only. In 2021 I replaced Arch with Artix. OpenBSD continued to be my primary system. In 2022 I replaced Artix with OpenSUSE as my secondary system. OpenBSD is still my primary system. |