What do your usernames mean? - Community & Forums Related Discussions

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Long time nixers
I was always interested how people get to choose their internet pseudonyms.

I guess here is the right place to ask (I don't want to got to /r/AskReddit, thanks).
Because I like to look up in the sky at night:

Well, my name is my name... If you mean what my name means then...
"A person (usually of hispanic decent) who is very overly self-confident with woman and is a party animal who likes to dance but is also very attractive and athletic. This person also says some of the most ridicuous and dumb but funny statements at random times and loves to have fun. Most of all, this person is incredibly unpredictable and will use his athletic abilities to do dumbass but hilarious things.
I think he had alot to drink and is having a good time acting like a crazy mofo with the ladies. He sure is acting like an Alberto tonight."

From UrbanDictionary... It means "noble" tho
argonaut · musician · developer · writer · https://www.betoissues.com
Because my name is Charles, ninjas are cool, I lik to think of myself as a code ninja (whatever that means), and ninjacharlie has a ring to it :)
Big Chocolate is a music producer and he refers to his fans as Loccs. Im a huge fan of his, if you haven't heard of him definitely check him out.
It comes from a bungled version of "Stone", the alias used on #nixers back when it existed and I was coaxed into the 4-character gig. Said alias is just short for another name I used since 2001. The whole "bocxorocx" thing came afterwards and the rest is history.
I hope I will never need to learn this stuff... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strange_quark
Mrat: Something that I wrote accidentally hitting the keyboard. Also, it's similar to my last name (Martínez), and that's why also sometimes I use it as "mratmartinez"
I am terrible at coming up with usernames. I simply choose something that reminded me of my first name, Adrian.

I like how creative you all seem to be with it though.
Long time nixers
Nice idea, I am also curious about usernames.

mine is like if some day, I could type:

$ ssh bio
And then...
O   O                                             *───*
╲╲ ╱                                             ╱     ╲
   P           N.        NH2   │││││││   O       *       *
  ╱ ╲       ╱╱   `.     ╱                 ╲╲    ╱ `.   ,'│
O─  O     *       *───*                   *───N    `O'  *
    ╱       ╲     ╱╱   ╲╲                 ╱     ╲       ╱
   *  ,O.    N───*       N   ││││││││   HN       *     O   O─
   │,'   `. ╱     ╲     ╱                 ╲    ╱╱       ╲ ╱
   *       *       N===*                   *───*         P
    ╲     ╱                               ╱╱    ╲       ╱ ╲╲
     *───*   Adenine                     O       *     O   O
     │                                                 │
O   O                                             *───*
╲╲ ╱                                             ╱     ╲
   P           N.        O   │││││││   H2N       *       *
  ╱ ╲       ╱╱   `.    ╱╱                 ╲     ╱ `.   ,'│
O─  O     *       *───*                   *───N    `O'  *
    ╱       ╲     ╱╱    ╲                 ╱     ╲       ╱
   *  ,O.    N───*       NH   ││││││││   N       *     O   O─
   │,'   `. ╱     ╲     ╱                 ╲╲   ╱╱       ╲ ╱
   *       *       N===*                   *───*         P
    ╲     ╱             ╲                 ╱╱            ╱ ╲╲
     *───*   Guanine     NH2   │││││││   O             O   O
     │                                                 │
O   O             O   │││││││   H2N               *───*
╲╲ ╱            ╱╱                 ╲             ╱     ╲
   P         *───*                   *===N       *       *
  ╱ ╲       ╱╱   ╲╲                 ╱     ╲     ╱ `.   ,'│
O─  O     *       N   ││││││││   HN       *───N    `O'  *
    ╱       ╲     ╱                 ╲    ╱╱     ╲       ╱
   *  ,O.    N───*                   *───*       *     O   O─
   │,'   `. ╱     ╲                 ╱╱    `.   ╱╱       ╲ ╱
   *       *       NH2   │││││││   O        `N           P
    ╲     ╱                                             ╱ ╲╲
     *───*   Cytosine                                  O   O
     │                                                 │
O   O     *       O                               *───*
╲╲ ╱       ╲    ╱╱                               ╱     ╲
   P         *───*                   *===N       *       *
  ╱ ╲       ╱╱    ╲                 ╱     ╲     ╱ `.   ,'│
O─  O     *       NH   ││││││││   N       *───N    `O'  *
    ╱       ╲     ╱                 ╲╲   ╱╱     ╲       ╱
   *  ,O.    N───*                   *───*       *     O   O─
   │,'   `. ╱    ╲╲                 ╱     `.   ╱╱       ╲ ╱
   *       *       O   │││││││   H2N        `N           P
    ╲     ╱                                             ╱ ╲╲
     *───*   Thymine                                   O   O
     │                                                 │

That is because I like to mix computer science, biology and science fiction.
(17-06-2016, 02:19 AM)Mrat Wrote: Mrat: Something that I wrote accidentally hitting the keyboard. Also, it's similar to my last name (Martínez), and that's why also sometimes I use it as "mratmartinez"
That's an interesting way for getting a nickname.

(17-06-2016, 08:55 AM)sshbio Wrote: That is because I like to mix computer science, biology and science fiction.
Have you tried researching in biotechnology?
argonaut · musician · developer · writer · https://www.betoissues.com
Grey Hair Nixers
Initially this was going to be neeashade, but when I first made my nick it was for a game that only took 8 characters (Castlevania GBA).

Where does neeashade come from? well, the shade was for shadow, our dog at the time.

neea is an acronym for me and my siblings names, (N)athan (E)mily (E)ric (A)nna.

edit: also I was 13 at the time
Long time nixers
i read the william gibson book count zero and the ghost rider 2099 comics as a kid so i went by "zero" for a while.

i was hanging out on the notorious S.I.N. (self induced negativity) bbs when silicon toad told me xero was a much cooler name than zero. the rest is history.
Long time nixers
Quote:Have you tried researching in biotechnology?

Thanks <code>:)</code>. I already had biotechnology class, but it is really: "how to produce and transform raw materials into elaborated ones, using organisms activity and metabolism".

And there is also bioinformatics. What I will want to do is all computer sciences challenges created by biology, like processing of large amount of information (to avoid the name " big data": I do not know what it really means). Maybe that is what you meant.

I will change from biology to computer science.
Long time nixers
(17-06-2016, 08:55 AM)sshbio Wrote: Nice idea, I am also curious about usernames.

mine is like if some day, I could type:

$ ssh bio

That's neat.

(17-06-2016, 01:36 PM)neeasade Wrote: Initially this was going to be neeashade, but when I first made my nick it was for a game that only took 8 characters (Castlevania GBA).

Where does neeashade come from? well, the shade was for shadow, our dog at the time.

neea is an acronym for me and my siblings names, (N)athan (E)mily (E)ric (A)nna.

edit: also I was 13 at the time

I have something similar. In the beginning, I went with scharlatan, because I liked the
word and had heard that it is also used in Afghanistan (it's a german word).

Then I started learning a tiny bit of esperanto and got to know about suffixes and prefixes,
so I had the idea of

pra-nom-ostro (ancient name master).

Turns out the correct ending would be estro, pranomestro.
I still like the sound of it, and when pranomostro is reserved (which occurs quite rarely,
but still happens), I can still use pranomestro.

(17-06-2016, 02:53 PM)xero Wrote: i read the william gibson book count zero and the ghost rider 2099 comics as a kid so i went by "zero" for a while.

i was hanging out on the notorious S.I.N. (self induced negativity) bbs when silicon toad told me xero was a much cooler name than zero. the rest is history.
It's good. Short, memorable, and unique.
Long time nixers
(17-06-2016, 02:53 PM)xero Wrote: silicon toad

What a great website!

When I first discovered Xerox.com, I thought "What a bad name choice! Don't they know about xero.nu!?"
Long time nixers
(18-06-2016, 08:47 AM)sshbio Wrote: When I first discovered Xerox.com, I thought "What a bad name choice! Don't they know about xero.nu!?"

That as well. Xerox is probably the most underappreciated tech company on this planet.
I mean, they employed Douglas Engelbart.
Mine means nothing, just used it once, and stick to it. And I like how it looks.
Long time nixers
(18-06-2016, 12:53 PM)f1st Wrote: Mine means nothing, just used it once, and stick to it. And I like how it looks.

I really like the idea of internet pseudonyms.

You have to work for a certain degree of recognition,
something like an informal web of trust. After a while, people tend to recognise your name and
remember you, and it's the same from your own perspective.

I mean, it's actually just the idea of pseudonyms, but I find
it fascinating nontheless.
(18-06-2016, 09:18 PM)pranomostro Wrote: I mean, it's actually just the idea of pseudonyms, but I find
it fascinating nontheless.
Well, my first nickname back in 200x-th was 'booleanx', lol. But in some moment, I realized, I don't like it at all. So I changed it to f1st. It's a nice, short nick, and you can read spell it as first or fist, and so on.
Long time nixers
Back when I was a scrub at English I heard the word "template", it sounded cool, so I used that for a while.
Then I removed the vowels for some reason. I think I just wanted a shorter nick.
Simple play on words

You may also see me as mrmistah or mrmistuh, since some people pronounce it as if it ended with those letters. Though you will hardly find those names since i use them when the original is unavailable.
I actually pronounce Mister as miss-ter...
Long time nixers
i have no fuckin clue tbh dudes im tryin to change it from dsplayer14 to apk/apk14
mug of tea :) yum yum
Long time nixers
(19-07-2016, 08:03 AM)muggahtee Wrote: mug of tea :) yum yum

man, i feel dumb for not getting that one. for some reason it always looked like a mutation of manatee
mine means Hack The Planet
Long time nixers
cjm. Are my initials pretty simple! :-)
akts stood for my initials, but since there is a thread now, its <b>a</b>kts <b>k</b>illed <b>t</b>he <b>s</b>ystem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dear Dr. Knuth
fat albert kind of a funny show.