What are you working on? - Programming On Unix
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As my first serious program, I'm creating a touch screen gesture maker for linux, using python and Tk GUI.
Imagine a small floating window with a 3x3 grid of buttons taking up a small portion of the screen. These buttons can be tapped, dragged, or swiped. Using one or a combination of taps, swipes, or drags on these buttons lets you execute programs, scripts, or simple commands. You can open your web browser, change the backlight or volume settings, even shutdown your computer with a simple tap and swipe. You can customize the button layout if you dont want a 3x3 grid. You can also change the combos and what commands will be made with those combos. Another project im thinking of doing is bringing the messagease keyboard to linux, but another time.
github: https://github.com/mrmistah